Movie Night

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Maka was just on the verge of falling asleep midway through the movie her and Soul had been watching. Her body had been unconsciously drifting towards Soul's as she grew more and more tired with each passing minute. Through her haze, Maka could feel his arm wrap around her shoulder, as if he had been coaxing her to do so this entire time. It honestly wouldn't surprise her if that's what the scythe was up to. Though the two weren't exactly together, they'd become a bit more flirtatious between one another and Soul was desperately trying to up his game with each passing day.

     Just the other day Maka had her very first kiss. It occurred whenever she'd been making breakfast and Soul had snuck up behind her. Maka had jumped at first when she felt Soul's arms wrap around her waist and heard him say 'good morning' in his raspy morning voice. A flustered mess, she went to scold him for scaring her. But before Maka could begin her fit of rage, Soul pressed his lips against hers before she could even make a peep.

     She of course loved every second of it, kissing him back to the best of her ability. Maka could then feel her heart flutter and jump, almost losing herself in the moment. Whenever it was over however, she continued on with her scolding with a flushed face, swatting his hand and telling him to never scare her like that again.

     Here she was now, half asleep and still not minding the advance he had made on her just moments ago. Maka knew Soul wouldn't ever dare  make any kind of sexual advance on her without her full permission so that made it easier to relax against him more comfortably. Her head had pressed against his side as she continued to drift off to sleep. In the midst of it all, she heard him whisper something to her just before Maka had conked out, unsure of what exactly had been said.

     Though it was not not completely audible to Maka at the time, Soul had murmmured a quick 'I love you'. He would occasionally murmur other kind words when she'd been asleep so close to him. It seemed as if the two had always been finding more and more excuses just to sleep together these days. The list had ranged from being cold to having a nightmare about something bad happening to one another.

    It wasn't long however before Soul was finding himself in the same state as Maka was. Letting out a yawn, he glanced down at his sleepy meister. Despite how cute she looked, he knew if they fell asleep on the couch like that, they'd both wake up sore from the sleeping position. There was only one thing he could really do and it involved taking the chances of waking up Maka. Hopefully she wouldn't be exceptionally cranky this time when disturbed. That's why the scythe had did his best to pry Maka off him carefully and scoop her up into his arms.

     On the way to her bedroom, Maka had only stirred a little bit but overall she had stayed asleep. It was only when he tried to set her down on the bed that she had started to become rebellious. A soft groan had fell off of her lips and her grip on him tightened. Soul had a feeling that she had no intentions on letting go.

    "C'mon Maks, I know you're really comfy but you need to get into bed." Soul chuckled softly, attempting to set her down again. It seemed as if his words unphased her, only a groan falling off of her lips.

     Maka had been fully awake by now, a soft pout resting on her face. If Soul thought he could just wake her up from the midst of sleep and dump her off into bed, he had another thing coming. Until she was positive he was going to join her, Maka wasn't going to go anywhere.

    "Are you joining me at least?" Maka asked tiredly. Soul had seemed to be taken back by the fact she was awake. She honestly didn't know what he had expected. After trying to shake her off of him like a leaf, there was no way she couldn't be awake.

    "Yeah, of course. If it's alright with you I mean." Soul replied, feeling her grip loosen up on him. She was then gently sat down on the bed, Soul going ahead and pulling the covers up and over her for when he joined her.

    Once she was situated, Soul slid in next to her, his arm wrapping around her waist to scoop Maka in close. She was pulled in until her back pressed against Soul's chest and her head was tucked away under his chin. He always loved to hold her this close. It enabled his mind to be at ease to know that she was now safe and sound. Soul would always keep her safe and happy no matter what, even if it cost him his life in doing so.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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