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      "RIIIIIING, “the sound of the bell signalled the end of the morning class.

      "Finally, it's lunch time! We could rest our brains," said a third year girl, "that Math test was really hard," she added.

      "It's because you and Hilary were not listening yesterday Serena", said another third year girl.

      "You're just saying that because you're good in Math, Celine", said Serena.

      "Come on now, just learn to listen. Am I right, Sofia?” Celine looked at a girl beside Hilary.

      "What did you say Celine?” asked Sofia.

      "Hmm, never mind", answered Celine, who is quite annoyed now "you guys don't even listen to me."

      The other three girls laughed at what Celine said. At first, Celine just kept quiet but after a little prodding by her friends, she also joined their laughter.

      This was a usual routine between Celine and her friends, Serena, Sofia and Hilary. And though they are not like girls their age, they excel in most things. The four headed down to their cafeteria to have lunch. As they arrived there,

      "Celine, you're laughing your lungs out again." The four looked at a guy who appears to be of Chinese decent.

      "Vivin!” Celine called out to the guy.

      "How many times have I told you not to shout out that nickname?! It's Vincent-"

      "But it's cute, and I have called you Vivin ever since we met."

      Vincent sighed, "that was ten years ago Celine. We're in high school now."

      "But-", Celine uttered.

      "Hey guys, aren't you finished yet? We're hungry already Celine!” Sofia hollered.

      "Yeah, I'm coming!” looks at Vincent, "See you later Vivin!", then she runs towards the other three. Vincent just watched her.

      "Vivin... Oh Celine…"

      "What did you argued about this time?” Hilary asked Celine while they were buying their food.

      "Vivin wants me to call him by his full name"

      "Well, you should. That nickname you call him is quite embarrassing to hear-"

      "But it's cute! Besides, Vincent is such a mouthful."

      "Well, suit yourself", Hilary sighed.

      The two walked towards their table, where Sofia and Serena are currently sitting on. Celine sat first but when Hilary was just about to sit,

      "Big brother!” she shouted.

      "Big brother?” Celine and Serena asked both at the same time.

      "Oh, didn't Hilary mention to you guys, her older brother will be working here as a teacher."

      "Wow! That's so cool! Your brother, a teacher in the school you are studying at.", Celine said.

      "That also means that you'll be under parental guidance here in school.” Serena added.

      "It's alright," Sofia said, "Hilary said that her brother just recently graduated from college, so he's only about 22 or something."

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