Part 4

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Once the show was over, Donna was stretching after she stood. She had taken a few pictures during the evening. Adrielle was just staring off into space as they sat in their car. The next venue was about three hours away so Donna thought they'd drive straight over and then find a hotel. She posted a cool picture she'd taken during the show to Twitter.

"Second show, second time just blown away. @HomeFreeGuysnever fail to entertain & make us laugh! About to drive 3 hours to the next venue and then find a hotel. #GoodTimes #CantWaitForShowNo3!"

She sat her phone down and waited for the other patrons to leave. Luke stood outside the bus and just watched the car. He had began following Texas_Donna on Twitter because he knew she wouldn't tag Home Free in all her Tweets about this trip. He was still trying to figure out her daughter. The guys were on the bus already and the crew had just finished packing everything up. Luke boarded the bus and asked to head to the next venue. Once the majority of the other fans had left, Donna got the car started and began the three-hour trek to the next venue.

The two women were silent as they listened to the cd that was playing. When Donna finally arrived at the next venue, she noticed that Home Free had liked her Tweet, again! It made Donna giggle. A few minutes later, her phone dinged again. She had a new private message. It confused her but she thought it might be another fan reaching out. She opened up the messaging. Donna didn't understand who this Luke person was.

"Hello Mrs. Texas_Donna! Thank you for being a fan of Home Free! They are honored that you're taking a month just to follow them on tour! I'm their manager Luke. I would love to meet you!—Luke"

"Adrielle! Look! Home Free's manager sent me a private message on Twitter!" Donna gushed, turning her phone so her daughter could read the message

Adrielle squealed with delight and clapped her hands. Donna smiled warmly at her daughter as she thought about what to say to this young man.

"Please just call me Donna! We're just sitting in the parking lot right now. Where would you like to meet? Is it ok if my daughter comes too?—Donna"

She waited for his reply. Donna didn't have to wait long, either!

"Thank you for replying so quickly, Donna. Why are you up at this hour? I figured you ladies would be asleep by now! There's a Waffle House not too far from the venue. We can meet there in about twenty minutes. And yes, your daughter is more than welcome to come!—Luke"

Was this really happening? Maybe meeting Luke would open the doors to meeting the band! Adrielle was making hungry sounds so Donna told her they were going to head to the local Waffle House and grab a bite. It was the wee hours of the morning, about 1:30am to be exact, and they hadn't eaten anything since lunch. Donna started up the car and made the short drive to their destination.

They were the first ones to arrive so she found them a booth and waited. Adrielle was looking at her phone so she didn't notice the tall, sandy-blond haired man walk up to them.

"Hello! I'm glad you could make it. I'm Donna and this is my daughter Adrielle." Donna said, introducing them to him

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Luke." He said as Donna scooted over to give him a place to sit down

Adrielle looked up and cocked her eyebrow at the strange man. The waitress had come over to take their orders and Luke sat there, intrigued, as Adrielle communicated the only way she did. Donna, as usual, had to "translate" for the poor waitress.

"So why are you taking a month and following the tour?" Luke asked after the waitress left

"She's.... having a hard time at school. I thought this trip would do us both some good. We watched the boys on "The Sing-Off" and we both just fell in love!" Donna replied with a smile

Adrielle made some noises which caught Luke's attention.

"Wow! You could give Adam a run for his money! Were you the one doing his solo with him tonight?" Luke asked, voice soft and calm

Adrielle blushed, not realizing she had actually been heard, and nodded her head yes. Luke smiled and asked her to do it again. Donna smiled as her daughter began doing Adam's "drum solo". The few people in the restaurant watched her in fascination until she was done.

"You are very talented! I'm sure Adam would love to talk to you about beatboxing!" Luke chuckled making Adrielle look away

"That may prove a little difficult." Donna said

"Oh? How come? They're down-to-Earth, easy going guys. No need to be shy around them!" Luke stated

"Well, she's never spoken a word. She doesn't speak like other people do. She....well.... she communicates through sounds. She can recreate just about any sound you can think of, though." Donna tried to explain

"So you're the female version of Michael Winslow. The guy from "Police Academy"? That's really cool! But why doesn't she use words? Is it a medical issue?" Luke inquired

"I've taken her to specialist after specialist. ENT, speech, psychiatrists, you name it. No one believes it's a medical issue. Her whole life, school counselors have told me to take her to doctors to find out why she doesn't, or won't, speak but it's never done any good." Donna explained

"I see. But she still communicates?" Luke asked

"Oh yeah. She's very intelligent too. Very creative. She's in the top five students in her University." Donna bragged making Adrielle look away in embarrassment

"So, why were you at the venue already?" Luke asked as their food was brought

"Well, it seems there's an event going on the next few days and all the hotels are booked solid. I thought I'd be able to get a room when we got here but no such luck." Donna shrugged

"You ladies can't just sleep in your car! It's dangerous!" Luke exclaimed, making Donna laugh

"Oh, we'll be alright. It's like camping!" Donna laughed, "Besides, this Texas mom packs heat. I know how to use it, too."

"I feel really bad that you're sleeping in your car. When we get back to the venue, pull up beside the bus. I'd feel a little better about you ladies sleeping in it if you're there. Call me if you need anything, ok?" Luke stated firmly

"Ok. If you're sure we won't be a bother or be in the way." Donna replied

"You won't. I'll show you where to park when we get back." Luke said

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