2 : e

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< @ junseov | [ @ your username ] >



what's up?

nothing much, you ?

just been playing video games

ahhh i see

have you seen the mic drop remix yet?

yes omg

they look so good

i know right!

we stan talent


we stan hot people too

can i tell you a joke?

yeah sure

are you a vegetable?

no ?

are you sure? because you're a cutecumber

that was terrible 😂

you tell me a joke now then

uhh lemme think
well, i'm not sure if it's considered a joke but i'm gonna say it anyway

okay go ahead

what do you call a mouse that walks on two legs ?

uhh wait i need to think

hahah take your time

mickey mouse?

what do you call a duck that walks on two legs ?

donald duck


all ducks do

you just made me question my intelligence

i'm questioning yours too


you're brutal

i have something funnier tho

what is it

my face

sorry what

you do realise that you're literally perfect, right?

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