Ideas/ chapter.....?

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The time is 18:00 also known as 6:00p.m.
Cherish's POV:

"Hi, I'm Cherish Uzumaki. Yes I talk/think somewhat like an adult even though I'm only 3 years old," I say to my 'imagery' friends, while we were playing a game I called "I am". Anyway there are 10 of them, their names are Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki, Kurama and the newest one Crystal, but my best friends out of all of them is Shukaku, Matatabi and Kurama.

"Hi I'm Crystal, the Ten Tailed Wolf. An I'm the truest form of the Ten Tailed Beast," she says.

"Cherish who are you talking to?" asks Toby from the other side of the door. I begin to panic because Toby scares me.

"Come here. Now!" Shukaku whisper yells at me. The door swings open while I'm running a cross my 'room'. Toby is about to grab my hand but Shukaku's sand is faster. His sand wraps up/around my arm and quickly I feel like I am in a armor/shell of sand. I open my eyes that I had closed when I had ran to Shukaku and see sand. Sand that goes on for as far as I can see and I see that Crystal went back into my mind.

"Cherish Uzumaki right?" asks a deep male voice from behind me. I spin around to look at the one who may be my next enemy and change into my Soul Sage-mode.

My Reapers (the fish things) appear around me in a protective way.

"Who are you and what do you want? And how do you know my name?" I ask in a deadly tone.

"I am Hashirama and this is my friend Minato. We have heard rumors about you. We want to know how you have the Tailed Beasts under your control," he states.

"*Tsk* I don't have them under my control. They do as I ask because I teat them with respect and like a living breathing person. I don't judge them because they are, what you call 'Tailed Beasts'. I judge them out of what I've seen them do not all the bad things I've heard. I judge them once I've gotten to know them, after I've heard their side of the story. After I've heard what pain they've gone though, after we've fought side by side and agonist one another. By the way if you Shunobi were half as smart or half as strong as you think you are maybe they would befriend you and help you as well," I say with pure anger in my voice.

"Cherish stop," says Kurama." He continues,
"This is Hashirama the first Hokage and Minato the fourth Hokage. Both people you don't want to ang-"

"Wait Hashirama as in the one that married your first Jinchuriki? An the one who thought he killed Madera Uchiha but didn't?"

"1) Don't interrupted me again. 2) Yes, and 3) Yes." ~Kurama.

"Cool. Wait isn't he dead?!" ~Me (Cherish).

"Yes he is. What you're seeing is his soul." ~Kurama.

"Say, didn't the 4th Hokage kick your ass?" ~Me (Cherish).

"CHERISH!!!!!! WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT WORD!!!!!!?" ~Matatabi (2tail).

"Sh-Shukaku and K-Kurama," I say while hiding behind Hashirama (The 1st Hokage), while he is hiding behind Minato (The 4th Hokage) while Minato hides behind a big tree.

"Shukaku, Kurama let's go have a talk," she says and they all disappear from sight but I can hear her yelling at them in the far back of my mind.

"Dang it," I say.
"I was gonna have Kurama teach me a Teleportation jutsu."

"I can teach you a few," says Minato and Hashirama at the same time. They look at one another and we all start laughing.

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