Night Drives Part 2

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“Oliver! What is going on? You just disappeared! I ran about a million diagnostic programs on the system thinking it was something with my computers."

“Sorry, I didn’t exactly get a choice. Castiel showed up in the middle of the firefight, touched my shoulder and then I was in Montana with Dean." Oliver replied.

‘Dean? I thought he was dead."

‘He was. Apparently Castiel brought him back from hell. Honestly Felicity,  I really don’t understand what’s going on."

“What? How?  He’s a real angel?” 

Oliver was still processing that concept, “Seems to be. He also seems to be rebelling. Castiel brought me here to try to talk to Dean. I guess he and Sam are part of some end of the world plan and they had a falling out. Somehow I have become the Winchester brothers therapist."

“Oliver you have to get back here. The Triad got the contract to kill the new District Attorney," Felicity told him.

“Damn it! I am sort of stranded. We’re literally in the middle of nowhere,  Dean is my only transportation and Castiel seems pretty determined to keep me here for another day or two. I’ll try to talk to him and get him to send me back or figure something out. Diggle may have to suit up for this in the meantime. I guess it’s a good thing I bought a spare suit for him."

“Ok, I’ll let him know," she paused. “Oliver? Can you tell Castiel I am sorry about getting mad at him?  I probably shouldn’t be telling an angel off. That probably breaks all kinds of rules or something.“  

“I will.” Oliver said as a smile crossed his face. “I don’t think he’ll  hold a grudge. He has more important things on his mind."

“Thanks. I guess I’ll go home since I know you’re ok.”

“Yeah. I am ok. Get some rest. Oh, thanks for putting my wallet in there too. Dean was getting way too much enjoyment out of me asking him to pay for my food."

Felicity laughed. “Was he going to charge you interest compounded hourly?"

“Yes, at a horrendous rate too. He said the 5 year income gap while I was on the island made me a credit risk."

“Wow, what a bastard!" Felicity replied.

“I know. I’ll keep in touch.  Sleep well Felicity.”

“You too."

Oliver put the phone back on the hook and looked around the tiny room. He felt abnormally tired, maybe it was the teleporting and the drive. He found some sweats in the bag Felicity had packed for him, changed and laid down. He hoped his conversation with Dean had somehow helped him, Castiel definitely had his work cut out for him if he wanted to get Dean to a place where he could forgive Sam or himself. Oliver closed his eyes and started his mental ritual to relax his body so he could get some sleep. His last thought was of Sam and if he could hold out against Lucifer.


“Sam’s weak," Dean said out loud as he walked down the country road. “He became a suicidal alcoholic and beat the hell out of Baby.  What the fuck?!  Didn’t anything I ever tried to teach him stick? All this crap Oliver said about thinking strategically is bull. You don’t betray family and you sure as hell don’t sleep with a demon. Now I am stuck here wasting time while Sam is probably having a drink with Lucifer. Damn it! Why doesn’t anyone ever listen to me?"  He walked faster. “God I could really use a good fight right now.”

None of this made any sense. Oliver saying that he had betrayed Sam when he tried to tell him why he had gone with Ruby. Sam was the one who had left the family, again. Sam was always leaving. He remembered driving through Sam’s school and seeing Sam laughing with some friends. Carefree and happy. Sure he may have had to work hard but at least he wasn’t getting attacked by angry spirits, demons and vampires. How hard could college have been? Part of him had been happy for Sam the other part had despised him. Dean had always pushed that part away until Ruby happened. Sam seemed to feel that the rules did not apply to him, that he could just do whatever he damn well pleased no matter the consequences. Sam left, went to school and left Dean dealing with their Dad.

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