Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Cass Jayde

10am. Logan, Carlos, James and Kendall all headed down to Rocque Records, ready for a day of recording for the upcoming single. Upon arriving, Kelly stopped the boys in the foyer. 

“Morning Kelly!” The boys greeted in unison. 

“Hey guys, ready for another day in the studio?”

Kendall smiled, being polite, although he realised what this would mean – six hours of vocals, and at least ninety-nine per cent of the time Gustavo would be yelling at them. “Sure am.” 

Kelly’s phone buzzed in her hand, and she groaned as she read through the text. “Gustavo is gonna be late. He’s got a meeting with Griffin.”

Logan looked towards Kendall and Carlos looked towards James, then they all turned towards Kelly with excited looks on their faces. “Does this mean…”

Kelly rolled her eyes, waving her phone around mindlessly. “Yes, you guys can have a bit of free time-” The boys all cheered in unison while high-fiving. Kelly cleared her throat, and the boys finished their celebrating. “BUT, you need to stay here at the studio. Gustavo isn’t sure of when he’s gonna get back, but I’m not sending you home to risk getting stuck in LA traffic.” She gazed at her ever-present clipboard and huffed. “I have some work to do, so I’ll be in my office.” She made sure to look everyone in the eye and added “Don’t do anything stupid.”

As Kelly walked out, the boys gathered into a quick huddle. “What are we gonna do?” Logan asked, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed comfortably.

Kendall looked from Logan, to James, then to Carlos. “Anyone got any ideas?”

The latino started jumping around in his spot, squealing “Oooh, pick mee!” and waving his hand around in the air madly.

“Umm, Carlos. What is your ide-“


Kendall thought back to the last time they’d played hide and seek. They were twelve years old and had decided to spend the day in town. They spent hours and hours searching for Logan, and they finally found the smart boy stuck in a stormwater drain after he’d slipped on a banana peel while trying to figure out a good place to hide. Logan getting lost aside, it was a great game. “I don’t see why not.”

Logan looked towards Kendall with a worried look in his eyes. Carlos saw how scared the smart boy was, obviously still mentally scarred from being stuck in a drain for four hours, even after the five years that had passed since then. “I’ll stay with you Logie. We won’t get lost.” He patted the pale boy’s shoulder. “It’ll be alright.”

The pale boy nodded, slightly blushing when he turned back to the others as Carlos grabbed his hand. 

“James, you’re up first. Give us to the count of thirty.” Kendall said, straightening up.

“Okay… One, two, three, four,” Grabbing out his ever-present mirror, James moved one little hair back into place, still counting. “Sixteen. Seventeen… Well, aren’t you just looking smashing today Mr. Diamond?...” He put his mirror back into his pocket, smiling smugly, which didn’t last very long. “Wait, where was I up to?”


Kelly wandered back into the foyer an hour later, typing on her phone, when she trod on something that shouldn’t be there. Looking at her feet, she realised the culprit was a poster, and gasped as she looked around the rest of the room. Vases were smashed, guitars were halfway through the walls, and all of the posters had one or more holes in them. Screaming could be heard from the corridor, James chasing after Carlos wielding a bow loaded with drumsticks for arrows. “I TOLD YOU TO NEVER SPEAK OF THAT!”

Carlos turned to James, while looking at Logan, who was trying his best to stay out of the fight. “What, that you kissed Jenny Tinkler back in third grade?”

Kendall and Logan suddenly joined in the conversation. “YOU KISSED JENNY TINKLER?”

James’ eyes glazed over in a fury of his secret being found out. Logan turned to Kendall. “Run?”

“RUN!” Kendall replied, making a hasty exit towards the studio.

The three ran into the main studio, followed by a raging James. Logan quickly took cover behind the protection of the drums, Kendall nearby behind the speaker stacks.

“BOYS!” All four stopped, James holding Carlos by the neck of his shirt, Logan wielding a pair of drumsticks for protection.

Kelly walked into the room, pulling James off of Carlos and throwing each of the boys out of the way. “What is Gustavo gonna say when he sees this!?”

Kendall slid out from behind the speaker stacks, feeling that the room was safe enough, and answered “Well, knowing Gustavo, it’s probably gonna sound like-“

“AAAAAAAHHHHHRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!” The music producers’ voice bellowed from the foyer, as if on cue. He thundered towards the door, bursting though like . “WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONE!?!?!”

When no one stepped forwards, faces twisting in guilt, Logan started. “Well, we were playing hide and seek.” He looked from left to right at the other boys. “Carlos and I went to find a place to hide, and so did Kendall. Carlos stuffed the two of us in the supplies closet, and it was way too squishy. So when we tried to get out-”

“The door swung open, and whacked James in the face.” Carlos said, looking nervous as he thought about the consequences that were on the horizon.

“My foot got caught on the bucket and Carlos and I fell on top of James.-”

James interjected “And that’s when you broke my LUCKY COMB!”, taking a step towards Carlos.

“And you knocked my helmet off my HEAD.” Carlos replied, mirroring the action of the tall boy.

“And that’s when I ran away.” Logan added, making a run for the door.

“HOLD IT.” Gustavo and Kelly replied in unison, as Logan, admitting defeat, trode back to his place.

“So, then this whole fight started, because Logan was a gumby-tard?” Gustavo said, taking off the garish orange bug-eyed glasses.

Logan, Carlos and James all replied “Yes” in unison.

Kelly turned around. “Wait, wait, hold on a second.” She pointed an accusing glare at Kendall. “So where were you while all of this was happening?”

Kendall sighed, looking from person to person, each reflecting the same questioning look. “I was taking a shit.”

Kelly rolled her eyes dramatically, turning back to Gustavo. “What are we gonna do?”

“Well, there’s nothing they can do that will help us in any way,” He said, turning to the boys. “Dogs, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!”

The four boys trudged out of Rocque Records, heads bowed in guilt.


Just a quick A/N: I really want to hear what you guys think of this and if I should continue! xo, Caitiee

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