Dripping Rubies

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The lights flashed and flickered, and music blared so loud one would think there was no possible way of hearing the other guests, yet there the noise was, conversing in the worst of ways. It was Ruby's first time in a night club, a night she would never forget. The twenty-two year old virgin girl, who'd never so much as tasted an alcoholic beverage, wasn't quite sure what to think of it. Frankly, it triggered her anxiety.

So there stood Ruby, wearing black shorts, a black tank top that revealed a bit more than she'd hoped (including the top of her leopard print bra), and her small, blood-red cloak. It wasn't exactly practical, but she took her cloak everywhere. It was her mothers before the accident. The accident that took her mother away from her.

She shook the thought of her mother from her mind with a shot of tequila. Her vision focused in and out as her body tried to comprehend the poison she was giving it, and that's when he caught her eye. A stunningly handsome man with jet black hair and the body of a god. The angles of his flawless face were just that and the gaze that came back at her sent her heart fluttering.

He moved away from the slutty girls that were throwing themselves to him and towards Ruby. They all cast nasty glares at her. The man's gait was as confident as he looked an he never lost eye contact as he strutted ever closer to Ruby; finally appearing at her side.

"Would the pretty lady like a drink?" He asked in an accent that sent shivers down her spine. Was it... French? She was too embarrassed to admit that she was fuzzy from her first one, so she played herself off as casually as possible.

"Slow down, tiger. I don't even know your name." Ruby said smoothly.

"Names here, they are, how you say . . . against the rules, no?"

She looked to the lip he was biting and subconsciously bit hers, aswell, "I play by my own rules." The tequila made her words more seductive than intended.

"You I like." He said with a devilish smile pulling at his lips, "My name is Nathaniel Wolfe, but many know me as simply, The Wolf."

"The Wolf? How dangerous. I'm Ruby. Ruby Woods."

"Ah, rubies. A jewl almost as beautiful as yourself." His smile grew as he spoke, "Perhaps you'd like to go somewhere a little more private? These other girls, they are not as perfect as you." Ruby grinned ferociously and felt herself sway to the side as she did. Nathaniel caught her and held close to her as they walked backstage. A band was blasting music on stage and would be on for much longer, so behind was nothing short of deserted.

Ruby fell against the wall from Nathaniel's arms and slid down to sit on an empty table leaning to the wall on herside for support. He quickly reattached, wrapping his muscular arms around her waist, pulling her back up and holding her against him, sending her heart fluttering into her stomach. No guy had ever touched her like that before. Then, his lips were on hers. They locked perfectly in place, morphing with her own. The way their lips worked together was like nothing she'd ever felt before. He caressed her face and goose-bumps appeared on her skin. She could feel her cheeks get hot, she couldn't control her blush of excitement. It was like he could feel it too, because he twisted her around so her back was against the wall.

But then his hand slid down to her butt. Ruby felt uncomfortable, but didn't want to be rude or ruin anything, so she continued kissing him. He deepend the kiss and she felt his hands slide up her shirt. Panic arose so she quickly broke off the kiss to speak.

"Stop. This is going too far." She tried to say, but he only pushed forward and suffocated her mouth with his lips, "Please . . . stop!"

Nathaniel's lips locked on hard to Ruby's and she gasped for air but all she could find was a tongue snaking its way into her mouth. He pulled at her cloak popping a button off as it fell to the floor. Ruby flailled to fix her dearest possesion, but Nathaniel Tears streaked down Ruby's cheeks. Her shirt was pulled off of her, giving her a chance to breathe, a chance to scream, as his lips unlached; but before any sound could come out a hand clasped on to her mouth.

"Don't scream, we wouldn't want anyone to come and ruin our fun." His lips grinned as if he'd stolen them from the devil himself, and it sickened Ruby. Everything about Nathaniel Wolfe sickened Ruby.

Before she knew it she was sprawled against the wall in only her underwear, Nathaniel pressing up against her, his hand even tighter than before. He was crushing her. Soon he was sucking on her lips again, his teeth grinding on them. She thought they'd be rubbed raw by now. He unclipped her bra and it fell to the ground, leaving him free to run his hands up to her breasts. His hands massaged them hard and Ruby winced.

Then, his hands slipped down to her panties. His fingers explored her, and Ruby could do nothing but cry. She felt so violated, so exposed. She felt his hands slide down her legs, and with them, her last bit of dignity. They were both naked now. Nathaniel pulled her legs up onto him and gripped her tightly. Then, he thrusted himself into her.

Ruby bit down on his lip, hard, to compensate for painful scream she couldn't let out. He slapped her as he pulled his bloody lips away. She whimpered but a hand covered her mouth, once again restricting her breathing. He thrust himself into her again . . . And again . . . And again. There was so much pain. Ruby felt as if she was being stabbed with a knife, over and over again. She was sure she would die.

When Nathaniel finished he threw her to the ground and crouched down to speak. Though she could barely hear him over her sobs, she would never forget what he said, "You're nothing but a worthless, easy little whore."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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