C O N V I C T: Chapter 1

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ok, so this story will be seperated into chapters meaning different segments hope you like!


Sub-Chpt. 1: Experiment 625 || Project: Z

Day 1: i have been taken away from my beloved family...no, i was given away by traitors that needed the money. fuck them all. got knocked out in the next second. now i stand in a cold cell in a truck. no one can hear me scream for help, cry for help, plead for help. i was only a 14 going on 15 australian girl.

Day 2: now i'm on a plane. don't know where their taking me. or who ever THEY are. they sound british at least. thats a first clue. so i'm going to england? at least the food's decent. very high-class i must say. but every now and again, they smoked me to sleep. then i'm moved into another cell...

Day Three: i hear dogs...the place the people are taking me must be a highly protective area. with lots of dogs...they open the doors for me for its been a while i saw the sun. but it was cold. two men grabbed me by my shoulders and took me to an office. i was greeted by a man dedicated his life to serving his country. "You will be called "Z" from now on. You are now our new expirement. I hope you will love it here." and then i was taken away to another cold, grey cell.

Day Four: it was quiet. all i could hear were animals screaming and wimpering. how was I an experiment? and for what exactly? i was scared...i wanted to go home...to my friends, my mother...everyone...why was it me that was chosen?

Day five: They smoked me again...i woke up only to find wires of red and blue in my arms. i was chained to the bed...or some-what of a bed. i had a gas mask on..i must have gone through surgery or something...i felt different...i couldn't remember my name...my family..my friends...where i orginated from...everything except my birthday...what was going on?!

Day Six: training...they made me run, fight and i found out i was installed with some new "powers". no one treated me like a human being. they gave me crappy food. everything was crap. i wanted to get out of here. and kill all of these people regardless if any are innocent. i knew just what to do.


Day 46: i was able to gain their trust. its been a while since i did the last entry...a lot has changed. my body has changed. my skin tone, my eyes, my hair, my physical strength, all changed. i feel like a monster...the things i fight aer just innocent animals and people too, controlled to do whatever their master wants...like a robot. i heard from one of the guards tahh i was a military weapon. the super weapon. hell no i'm not going to serve for them! i mean look at what they've done to me!

Day 47: I found out where i am. This place is called "Baskerville". A science institute. more or less, the gate way to hell. they expirement on anything. even humans. i've seen some of them. its horrendous.


Day 78: todays the big day. its time i left this shit hole. i stole one of the guard's keys and made a run for it. of course their looking for me. but they can't get out. none of them can. i couldn't save all of the animals. just the glow-in-the-dark bunny is all. its time i put an end to this horrible place.

it went boom. i felt accomplished but regretful. but nonetheless i have to get going. that explosion was huge, it would have caught the attention of the town the next hill over. i decided to seek refuge there. at least, i'll be safe for a while...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2012 ⏰

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