Extra Special Bonus Chapter- Through Everything Together

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This extra special bonus chapter is a celebration for 100 subscribers (On AFF)!!!!! (This special gift applies for all my stories. When my stories reach 100 subscribers, I will add a bonus special chapter to celebrate!~)




Sehun sat across the table from his mother, enjoying his food during one of their weekly meals together. However, his mother was being strangely quiet this evening. She had gotten less chatty ever since Sehun divulged his sexuality to her, but tonight Sehun suspected there was something else on her mind. Near the end of their long, awkwardly silent dinner, she finally started speaking.

"Mrs. Kim has been seeing you around town accompanied by a young boy recently."

Sehun gulped as he swallowed his bite, and then tried his best to act indifferent as he took another small mouthful to ease his nerves.

"Apparently you told her you were picking him up from school for a friend. However, she noticed something the last time she saw you together." His mother paused, leaving Sehun in uncomfortable silence as she stared at Sehun's left hand, "Matching rings on both your ring fingers."

Sehun nervously lowered his hand, removing it from his mother's vision. He remained silent as he stared down at the table, at a loss for words. He had no defense for himself, he knew no matter what he said his mother (or anyone sensible really) wouldn't approve of the situation.

"I demand you stop seeing that boy at once. I don't know what's gotten into you, but dating someone of that age is entirely inappropriate."

Sehun clenched his fist tightly under the table as he answered her in a quiet voice, "...I won't."

"Excuse me?" His mother asked in astonishment.

Sehun looked up into her eyes, "I won't stop seeing him, no matter what you say. I know it seems wrong...I wish I could explain it to you..."

His mother stared into his eyes, realizing how serious he was about this relationship. She wasn't sure if that made her feel better about it, or worse.

"Sehun, this is an embarrassment. You know better than this. I'm already at a loss as to what to tell my friends. What if they keep seeing you two together?"

"...I'll stay out of public for now..."

His mother let out a sigh, "Don't do this Sehun."

Sehun slowly stood up from his seat, placing his napkin on the table, "...I'm sorry."

"Sehun!" His mother shouted as she watched him leave the room.

Sehun ignored her as he rushed away, making his way out of the house and going outside to find his bike. He remained frozen for a moment, gripping tightly onto the handles, the feeling in his gut getting worse. He swallowed deeply, and then reached into his pocket for his phone. He squeezed it tightly in his hand, rubbing the screen with his thumb. After a short moment staring at it, he unlocked it and went to his contacts, clicking on Baekhyun's name to call him.

"Hi Sehun!" He heard Baekhyun's excited voice on the other line as he answered.

Even just hearing Baekhyun's voice made him feel better, and he was able to relax slightly.

"...Hi Baek. Are you busy right now?"

"Not really. What's up?"

"Can I come pick you up?"

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