chapter 3

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today is the day, the day I'm going to help Ashton. This morning Ben didn't need to wake me up, I was already awake and ready for today. I was quite excited because I realllllyyy want to talk and be friends okay maybe more than friends with Ash. Yes I have already given him a nick name even though he doesn't even know I know his name. its 8:30 and this morning I decided to walk to school since it was a nice day and it was only about a 15-20 minute walk. So I grabbed an apple said goodbye to my mum and brothers and headed off. Today is going to be a good day, I thought to myself. Nothing is going to stop me from hanging out with my Ashy baby, okay yes I know its weird to call him my Ashy baby but I already feel so protective of the poor little thing, I mean he was so small and skinny.

finally I'm at the gates for school, that felt like 2 hours even though it was only 17 minutes. I started to head to the hall ways where all the lockers were in hope to find Ashton. I hear Jonny and his gang of idiots laughing, what are they laughing at I wonder, as I turn the corner I see I sight I wish I never did, Ashton was lying on the ground his own blood surrounding him, blood was pouring out of his nose, and lip and it looked like his eyebrow was split open, there were bruises all over his face. about 10 guys were bashing Ashton and he was whimpering and crying, that's when I finally snapped out of it and yelled "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM OR I WILL KILL YOU" all of them but Jonny back away "What are you gonna do about it" Jonny snickered "This" I replied punching smack bang in the nose probably breaking it. They all run off, ha, that's right you run away you idiots I thought to myself, but then I heard sniffling and a whimper and I remembered that Ashton was badly injured. I walk up to him putting my hand on his back, he was lying down on his side in pain. he flinched when I put my arm on him but when he realized I wasn't going to hurt him he slightly relaxed. I pulled him up into my lap and wrapped my arms around him, he just cried harder into my chest, "shhh its okay, youre safe now, I wont let them hurt you ever again" "it hurts" he whimpered back, "what hurts oh god is your nose broken oh my god what did they do to your eye brow" I said panicking "th-they s-s-slam-ed-d th-the l-lock-ker d-door a-and s-split m-my eyeb-brow o-op-pen." he stuttered out, "oh my god let me take you back to my house" I said, he looked like he wanted to protest but he was in too much pain. I picked him up so his legs were wrapped around my waist and so that his head was in the crook of my neck and hands were holding him under his bumb *sexual eye brow rase* and one around his waist, its usually how a dad holds his little toddler but bridal style would've just hurt Ashton more. I realized I couldn't carry Ash home. "I'm going to call my brother okay, he wont ask any questions I promise and he will just drop us off at my house and leave okay" I reassured him, he just slightly nodded a tear running down his face, while still holding him like he was a little koala bear I called Ben, "Ben please don't ask any questions but I need you to pick me up from school now, please" " okay but you better explain to me later what happened, I'm like a minute away, see you soon" I sighed of relief and whispered to Ashton " its okay, he'll be here any moment." The poor boy just sniffled and nodded. As Ben said he was only a minute away so he arrived and I hopped in not letting go of Ash as he sobbed into my chest. We have never talked before yet now he's sitting on my lap in the car crying into my chest. " fuck, does he need to go to the hospital" Ben asked, " I hope not, don't worry Ben ill take care of him" I replied. " Okay here we are, call me if you need anything else" he said, "will do" I replied.

I hopped out of the car still holding a crying Ashton in my arms and took him to the bath room, "where does it hurt most"? " m-my nose" he replied quietly, I got a wet towel and dabbed his nose and got rid of the blood, then I got an ice pack and told him to hold it on his nose, I then got some anti infection cream and cleaned out the cut on his eye brow. "Any where else"? I asked, he shook his head no, but I knew there would be bruises on his stomach and back. " let me take your shirt off, I want to check out your bruises," he had a panicked expression on his face but I just slipped it off him disgusted of how many bruises that were on his stomach and back, " these aren't just from today, how long have they been bullying you for"? " about 5 years'" he mumbled, I pulled him into my chest as a tear escaped his eye, I then got up and got some pain relievers and some water "take these and I'll take you to my room and you can sleep, he took the glass and pills from me, swallowed the pills and drank some water, he then went to walk but he had a pained expression on his face, "don't worry, I'll carry you" I said, "thanks" he said sheepishly, so I took him to my room and placed him down, "I'm gonna cook some food, you should sleep, call me when you wake up" I said. "Mhm" he mumbled already half a sleep, I left to the kitchen with a smile.

I was in the kitchen cooking some pancakes when I heard a massive BAM, I quickly ran upstairs to see what was going on, I saw Ashton on the ground looking at me with pain in his eyes, "I got up to walk and forgot that I was hurt and fell" he said sheepishly, "it's fine, how about I help you downstairs and we can talk?" I ask, "okay" he mumbles, so I grabbed him around his waist and put his arm around my shoulder for support and helped him downstairs, we sat on the couch, "okay so you might be a bit weirded out that I hadn't even spoken to you but then I hugged you and helped you and brought you back to my house but yesterday, when I saw you, you looked like you'd make a good friend so I went to sit next to you but then jerk face told me not to, then at lunch I saw you sit by yourself and felt so bad, and then today when I saw you on the ground I just had to help you, my name is Luke by the way," "thank you for helping me" Ashton said, "my name is Ashton" "I know" I smiled, we sat in comfortable silence watching the tv, "hey Luke" Ashton said "mm" I replied "could um can we um will you be m-my friend?" He asked and OMG it was so cute, but he shouldn't of been that scared "of course Ash, don't be silly" I gave him a hug, "thank you" he said. "Do you want some pancakes"? I asked, "n-no thank you, oh no I should probably get, home my dads going to ba- I mean he's going to be so worried about me" he went on, "hey it's okay, how far away do you live"? I asked, "umm about 2 streets away" he said "really, that's so close, I'll walk you home!" I said "you don't have to" he replied, "but I want to" so I walked ASHTON home and gave him a hug good bye, "see ya tomorrow, said "yeah" he smiled back, gee I love ashton.

A/n asgshskskdlmd that wasn't meant to be that long I swear, I promise the next chapters won't be as long and take as long, because now they've met It won't be as long I swear, yeah it's pretty shit so far but I'll try to make it better. Thoughts?

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