chapter 1

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Since i was small i had to live this way, under apperences, i was distrought with stress my mind recoiled at the extremities i had to endure while the rehersals lasted, i had lost thirty pounds in a week my diet consisted of lean chiken and lettuce as long as tomatoes, no eggs no cakes no berries no sweets, i was in a cell inside my body, my face begged for greacy food, and New York was the capital of all the non healthy foods, i was sofocating myself in a world where you had to be perfect but still temped your sences, each step in the outskirts of the city the swell of the odors outside beckoned, burned through your walls and stopped your legs, begging you chanting your name, oh i had the strong will of a horse, i continued. They said we had to loose ten pounds, i lost thirty, i was becoming a little weak on piruets, i had to be strong to support my body weight which was now at eighty seven, my height was also a big contestant to the ritual of the practices wich was now 5.7 i was tall enough to be the center girl,oh that was my dream i wanted to dance so greacefull the world would stop breathing, the crowd would stop chantin, the place would just stop spinning, oh  i would have given anything to play Gisele in the play i now watched, Jade was always the chosen one, her skills outmatched the best of the U.S Ballet dancers, she was precice and worked on her own moves as she moved with the same routine used for generations, oh she was the equality of a  bird on a light cable, gracefull unyielding, as a bird taking flight, she did not crumble she faced the music, my arms were getting goosebumps by the end of the show, she entered through the red courtains and sweat bedded her forehead, her dark ivory hair adorned in a high bun, she breathed fine perfume, she wore the usual for any rehersal show, but the show resided around blues and dark pinks, Gisell was my hero, a girl wanted by a prince and a commoner, torn apart by two man whom wanted her hand, the girl was so tormented she took her life, a tragedy that now days we look upon it with enthusims honest love in our eyes, she is still my hero, generation after generation of different stories may blend together but her stands, her is a lesson for any girl.

"Nina is your turn, break a leg" 

Dilan was one of the finest performers and also my boyfriend of eight years, we started to date when he struggled with his dancing shoes and i with my turns, he was my first international dancer and my go to partner, i trusted him with my life, my carrer and if he was lucky enough he would gain my hand in marriage and we would live not like Gisell but as the girl whom broke the curse and became human to stay with her prince, oh i was within my own fairytale i lived the dream, i moved by myself when i turned eighteen and was chosen to perform in one of the most wealthies and best recomended Dancing Academies in Tampa, it was glorious when i moved there the energy flowed through my body with no equal, i will leave my world behind for a chance to be greater with no eaqual, but it weighted on me, i became restless at night i turned and turned until the clouds became rich with glow as yellows and oranges, usually i awoke at six where the people below my new york appartment were still fast asleep, i would rise and look upon the treasure that was my  city.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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