List Ten Things That Make You Really Happy

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Hmm, hard-ish question. There are a lot that make me happy, and narrowing them down makes it difficult, cause I don't wanna out an entire group of people, or a tv show. Anyway...

10) Jackets. I love jackets. I don't know why, but it's just a security blanket for me. I feel a lot comfier and safer in a jacket.

9) Gaming. Wow, so original right? But it's not exactly games that make me happy. It's more the factor of playing with friends, or getting to meet people.

8) Music. I feel music basically. I've lived through some of the most depressing parts of my life, in the past like 3 years. Music definitely had to be here.

7) Animals. Animals are so fucking majestic???? Like?????? How can you be so elegant at times, but so fierce? You can see this big scary animal that won't hurt a human, than you can see wee little pecker, and that one will murder your family in seconds.
7.5) My dog and cat 😄

6) Art, because why not bring all the basic?  I may not be the 💯 at drawing, but I love drawing. I don't draw as much as I want to, but I've had some hefty creations. They may not seem much to someone whose super experienced, but I'm proud.

5) Certain cartoons. Not anime though, haven't put full attention to anime in like two years. I like cartoons like Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender. Gravity Falls as well.

4) Listening to people tell stories. I love it when someone just tells me stories. Not only are there stories interesting (most times) they actually took time to tell me their problem/funny thing that happened.

3) Friends. I love them all so much. They bring me days to remember and laughter that will ring through my heart. I love it when they smile, cause I smile back. Being around people I've made such heavy ties to makes me feel so amazing. Especially online friends, I love them too.

2) Exploring or discovering things. Seeing something, or hearing something, new or fascinating just seems... I don't know? New? I just like to experience new things, and meeting new people. Sometimes. Cause I don't necessarily like meeting most people.

1) my niece. I would do anything to keep that little girl safe. I would murder ten men if that meant her safety. I would never let her get hurt by another human.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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