Chapter Five: Preparations For Landing

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Picture: Margot Royce (Modeled By Cara Delevingne)

Margot Royce's P.O.V.

I've been on edge ever since all of this started. I mean I've always been on edge considering my lifestyle, but this time it's different. Sure, I've had to steal before, though I am not proud of it, I needed to do it in order to live, survive. However, I've never had to steal a cell phone from two FBI agents in the middle of an interrogation in a police department covered with cameras. I could not get away from that place fast enough.

We each have our own jobs. Merritt did his during our first show. The entire show revolved around his hypnosis abilities. I just completed mine, stealing the phone. It was so nerve wracking. If I couldn't steal the phone or I got caught, everything would have been ruined. Everyone else's jobs are coming up. I could only hope they were completed with ease.

Ever since we've left the compound I've been silent. We got on Mr. Tressler's private airplane not that long ago. I sat towards the back and without a word, Jack followed and occupied the seat next to me. He knew how nervous I was and how hard it was on me to steal the phone, but it's not like he could do anything about it. It was my job and I pulled it off, but the nervousness still lingered and I haven't been able to shake it off.

I guess more than 20 minutes of silence was enough for him. Jack gently nudged my arm with his and leaned in.

"Margot, you okay?" He whispered. I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

"Yeah, it's just-" I was saying, but the sound of someone talking behind me cut me off.

"Two days ago, no one heard of these guys, but tonight's show sold out in 35 seconds. I think these guys have cracked the secret to show business. Give your audience three million dollars. Puts them in a good mood, doesn't it?" The voice of talk show host Conan reeled behind us. I looked back between the seats to see Conan on the computer screen talking to Tressler, what looked like live on his show.

"Best finale ever." Tressler chuckled.

"They're going to be the first magicians in history to get laid." He laughed. "Remember, if the oxygen mask comes down-"

"Put it on the lawyer first." Tressler finished with a knowing smile.

"Oh, yes." Conan laughed.

"I always do. It's lawyer first, then myself and then the children." Tressler added.

"Then yourself, then the children." Conan clarified. Then it looked like he took a closer look at the camera, right at me. "Speaking of children, do I see one of your shinning pupils peaking in on the show? It that Margot back there?" Conan asked. Tressler looked behind him and at me. He looked back at the laptop.

"Indeed it is." Tressler said.

"Well, get her up here! The viewers would love it! Get Margot up here! Better yet, Margot and Jack!" Conan roared as the crowd started to cheer as well.

"No." I said almost immediately, shaking my head. I really didn't have the heart to do much of anything after the traumatic station incident. Tressler laughed.

"Yeah, that's right. These kids have got a show to prepare for. If you want to see them, but a ticket." Tressler said with a large laugh at the end. He then signed off and I turned back to Jack, whose eyes never left me once since I got distracted. I sighed.

"This afternoon was just nerve wracking. You know that." I explained, he just looked at me. "And tonight." I blew out a breath. "I'm even more nervous for tonight."

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