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Louis and Harry are complete opposites. Louis is a wild rich party boy from Doncaster who was a very blatantly gay manwhore. Harry was a shy boy from the better part of Holmes Chapel who didn’t get out much. When they meet on a tour of the world and are stuck together as ‘tour partners’ for the next three months, will Harry and Louis become friends or something more? Larry Stylinson AU. (Side Ziall).

You should read the background info first if you haven’t already. Word Count: 982

“Louis! Are you all packed? It’s time for you to head to the airport!” Jay Tomlinson called upstairs to her son.

“Yeah mum! Just a second!” Louis shouted back as he made one last sweep of the grand room, making sure he wasn’t leaving anything behind. He bounded down the steps in his Tom-clad feet, carrying with him two pinstriped suitcases and a small bag.

“Bye mum! Love you!” Louis said as he hugged her. Pecking her on the cheek, he turned and started for the door.

“Bye Boo Bear. I love you. Stay safe! And have fun!” Jay called as he exited the elegant house. He hopped into his sports car and left for the airport. Louis was going on a ‘SC’ for the first time today. It was supposed to be a very unique experience, one that most rich families, like his own, went on a few times during their lives. It was practically mandatory for a person of wealth to take the trip at least once. The middle and lowerclassmen rarely ever made the trip for it was quite expensive.

 Louis arrived at the airport about half an hour later. He unloaded his bags from the trunk of his car. He grabbed a trolley from a nearby stall and placed his suitcases down on them as he let a valet take away his car to put in the airport’s long-term parking lot. He strutted into the airport in his usual flamboyant way, still wearing his pair of Raybands and shaking his bum for all it was worth. He didn’t care if others knew he was gay. It was very obvious in everything he did so he didn’t feel the point in hiding it. And for the most part, no one cared if he was gay either.

 People didn’t really judge him like they would have years ago. It was a new age and most people had grown quite accepting to the concept of homosexuality. Louis’ mother was very accepting when he came out to her four years ago. Claiming she already knew.  Louis got into the Delta International’s terminal and had his ticket and bags processed by the worker. Louis checked him out as he did so. He is quite fit.

“Gate A22, have a nice flight.” The worker flashed Louis a toothy grin.

“Thank you.” Louis whispered seductively, leaning closer to the man for effect. It worked exactly to plan. The man backed away from the counter and blushed beet red, Louis grinned triumphantly. Louis loved to fool around and try to play people; it was a game where if he succeeds in his flirtatious attempts, he won the game. It was something that kept Louis entertained in his everyday life.

He headed off towards the terminal, pleased with himself. He thought about the weeks to come as he made his way around rushing families and whiny little kids. What exactly will I be doing on this trip?

He knew where he was going but most of the details in the pamphlet were vague on exactly what they were going to be doing. Oooh maybe there will be hot guys on this trip. Louis thought cheekily, thinking he wouldn’t mind a hook-up during his time away from home. Lost in his thought he didn’t notice a tall man coming his way, running straight into him.

“Shit! Sorry!” Louis heard seconds after colliding with the tall figure.

“It’s cool man.” Louis replied, righting himself. He looked up to see the lanky figure was a boy about his age, maybe a few years younger that was the essence of beauty. He had unruly curls and dark green eyes. He was about to introduce himself but the boy, who was blushing, turned on his heel and headed in the opposite direction before he could do so.

Hm. He wasn’t bad looking, not bad looking at all. Louis thought to himself as he continued on his way to the gate. After spending sometime exploring the lengthy airport he finally reached it and sat down at one of the grey plastic chairs. Louis pulled out his iPhone from the carryon he brought with him. He selected his playlist of Panic! At the Disco and started a new game of Temple Run to entertain him until the plane would start to board. 


“Five minutes till gate A22 boards!” A voice boomed over the speakers in the terminal. Louis sighed, pausing his game of Temple Run and texting his mother quickly to tell her he was about to board. He put his phone in his bag and placed it on his shoulder, walking over to where people were starting to gather by the entrance to the walkway.

“Okay! Zones one through five come to the front.” The voice boomed again. Louis looked down at his ticket, zone 9. About twelve people shuffled to the front, showing the lady at the booth their tickets before she let them on.

“Okay! Zones six through nine may board now,” the attendant continued. Louis walked forward, showing her his ticket as he stepped onto the walkway. He made his way through the surprisingly wide isle and to his seat. 15E. Good, a window seat.

He climbed over the other seat in the row and to his own. A minute or two later Louis, lost in yet another game of Temple Run, saw someone from the corner of his eye sit down on the seat next to him. He glanced up, meeting the eyes of his company. His eyes widened slightly when he realized it was the boy he bumped into, or rather bumped into him.

“Hi. We never got to introduce ourselves before, I’m Louis.” Louis smiled, using his charm on the boy.

“Harry.” the boy replied quietly, hiding his face. Louis smirked. He already knew he was really going to like this trip.

A/N:This is my new fic! Yay! Mitchell(honeyimonmyway) beta’d it cos he’s awesome.-But I am looking for an official beta;)-Okay this is just a prologue so obviously it’s a bit short. And I wrote this at 2am so it might be a little awkward. Okay yeah. Feedback is appreciated:) PS-India(ihadthisdream0nce) made me my lovely banner:)

This fanfiction is on a temporary hiatus. I'm sorry I just don't have the willpower and time to do this. I'm sorry. Xx.

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