Chapter 5

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Sky was aiming in the shooting range when Syd joined him. "Hey, Ranger," she said, leaning against the wall. She knew him well, and could tell when he was upset, though he didn't always like her to. "I thought you'd want to talk."

In answer, he let off a few more shots, each one hitting his target. "No thanks," he managed to reply, reloading his gun. He wouldn't bring his eyes to meet hers though, so she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sky, you need to stop acting like you don't have emotions," she told him, a concerned expression on his face. "We all need to talk to someone."

"I don't want to, alright?" He turned and almost shouted at her, his features contorted. Usually they were at least neutral, but that day they were the opposite, Sky struggling to keep his feelings from showing.

"You need to," she answered, taking her hand off him. She began to walk away, giving up on him, until he let out a deep sigh. Turning back to face him, she noted he'd lowered his gun, no longer concentrating on his practice.

"I thought-" he tried to start, but it was difficult for him. "I thought, things would be different once I found her again. She was there, we could be a family." He ran a hand along his face, pausing his pained speech. "Why would she leave? We were together again."

"Maybe she couldn't cope with the strange new environment she'd been thrown into," Syd suggested. "Going from the streets to hanging around S.P.D. headquarters, that can be difficult. Especially if her father, who was a Ranger, is gone, and her brother took on the role of being a Ranger instead."

"You're right," he said slowly. "Maybe, maybe we could find her. Discuss what she wants. I don't want to lose her again."

Syd beamed at him. "Problem solver! There's the Sky I know. I'll go get the others, then we'll contact someone who knows everything that goes on in the streets. They're bound to know where Jay's gone off to."


The dimly-lit room that Jay found herself waking up in was the first thing you pictured when you were told fixer-upper. The paint on the walls was basically non-existent, and the grimy floor she had been placed on wouldn't look out of place among the rats and mice. Groaning loudly, she clambered to her feet and made her way to the door, only to discover that it was locked. "Well that's terrific," she muttered under her breath.

"Ah, you're awake," she heard an alien voice growl, and whirled around to spot the very being who had knocked her out. "I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here. The thing is, you make perfect bait for those pesky Rangers," he pointed out, and shook slightly, and Jay realised he was laughing.

"Whatever, jerk," she spat. "But you have to remember, they have no idea where I am. Plus, I walked out on them, so they won't come looking for me."

"I think you underestimate S.P.D.," he explained menacingly. "I'm sure your brother will come after you. After all, isn't that what family is for?" She clicked that this monster knew more about her than she'd realised, and her only chance now was, in fact, the Power Rangers.


Piggy was rushing around his restaurant, greeting customers that came along. "Would you like to try the new delicacy of spoiled shrimp?" He was saying to one, but immediately they scurried away. He turned to look behind him, and jumped a foot high when the Rangers were right there. "Geez! You can't keep doing this, you scare my customers!"

"Look, Piggy," Sky said, coming close. "This is important. It's about my sister. She ran away from S.P.D. last night, and no one's seen her since."

"This girl a brunette?" he asked, "Blue eyes, all that?"

Sky gave him a suspicious look. "Yeah, that's her. How'd you know that?"

He turned away innocently. "Oh nothing. Just a lucky guess." Suddenly he was grabbed by the shoulder and jerked back. Sky was glowering at him, and all of the other Rangers had backed away.

"What happened to my sister, Piggy?" He yelled at him, and Piggy cowered away.

"Okay, okay!" he replied with an anxious look on his face. Then he leaned in close to the Rangers' ears. "Rumour has it that the alien you fought the other day, Nightling? He took her as bait for you guys." His expression remained concerned, though not for others. "Don't tell them I told you, others I'm in for it!"

"Thanks Piggy," Z shouted over her shoulder as they moved away from him. Piggy shook his head, watching them leave.

"Those Rangers are going to be the death of me," he muttered darkly. Then he spotted a black bag of rubbish someone had dropped on the ground. "Ooh!" he exclaimed, now grinning. "Today's special!" And he went away to write, 'Mystery Trash,' on the menu.


"I can't believe he got Jay!" Sky exclaimed, banging his fist down on one of the consoles in the control room. "Who knows where Nightling has her!"

"You need to calm down," Cruger said to him firmly. "You're absolutely no good to anyone when you're angry. And that includes your sister." Sky glared almost challengingly at Cruger, then he sighed.

"Fine." He breathed out slowly. "I'm going to go looking." Walking out the door, he banged the doorframe as he went.

"I'll go with him," Syd said, following him out. "Let us know if you find anything."

Jack watched the two leave, then turned back to Cruger. "So, what are we actually going to do?"

"For now?" Doggy said. "We can't do anything. We have to leave it to Kat. I'm sure she'll be able to sort something out."

"I'm going to be investigating for any strange alien activity spikes," she explained. "I'll tell you when something pops up."

"Good," Jack said. "We'll take the streets until then. C'mon guys."

"Bridge!" Cruger called out just before the Green Ranger left.

Popping his head back around the door, he answered, "Yes sir?"

He threw him a familiar object, which the shaggy haired Ranger barely managed to catch. "You know what to do with that."

Glancing it over, the young man grinned. "Definitely, sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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