three | text

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three | text

I shut the front door to my apartment, and instantly removed my shirt.

"Belle! Come in here and look at my tattoo!" I yelled, and my best friend was by my side within five seconds.

"That's so cool! Do you think I could take a picture of it for my blog?" She asked, and I gave her a look, "What? It's not like it would have your face in it!"

I sighed, "Fine... You and your stupid blog."

"Hey, it's popular." Belle tried to defend herself.

"Yeah right!" I laughed, but Belle didn't. Instead, she went into our shared bedroom, grabbed her laptop, then came back to me.

"Look." She said, showing me the computer screen.

"Holy shit, you have ten thousand followers?" I asked in disbelief, and Belle nodded proudly.

"Now, stand right there, in this lighting. I'm going to go grab my camera." She hurried off into our bedroom, and came back with a black camera.

Belle got behind me, and I heard a few camera clicks. "Okay, you can put your shirt back on."

"Thank you." I said, and grabbed my t-shirt, slipping it back on my body.

Belle and I lived together in an apartment. We basically split the pay, and it was nice having a best friend with you at all times. She was nineteen, and even though we were one year apart, she still somehow managed to be a lot more experienced and wiser than me.


Later that night, around ten, Belle was helping me decide what tattoo I should get next, and I was trying to convince her to get one herself. Our bickering over whether I should get song lyrics or a quote was interrupted by my phone vibrating on my lap.

I didn't have many people on my contacts, it was only my family and Belle.

"It's probably your mom asking if you want to come in this weekend for a family dinner." Belle shrugged, and continued scrolling through her Tumblr feed.

I looked at my phone screen, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Uh, this isn't a contact in my phone that I've added." I told Belle, and she looked at me with a confused expression, "Did you put this in here?"

She shook her head, and I opened the text. As soon as I read it, I knew exactly who it was from. I didn't know how he did it, but he did.

hi babe

"Dude, it's from my tattoo artist that did my tattoos." I told Belle, and she didn't seem to be worried about it.

"Oh? Is it a boy or girl?"


"Is he hot?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I felt myself blush, he might've been a jerk sometimes, but there was no doubt that Luke was hot, really hot.

"You so totally think he's hot!" Belle laughed, making me blush even more.

"Okay, maybe I do, but does it matter? All that I care about right now is the fact that he somehow got into my phone and put his number in!" I exclaimed.

"When would he even have your phone in his hands? Did you like, go to the bathroom and leave your phone out on a chair or something?" Belle asked, her attention completely focused on me.

I thought, and then yelled out, "Oh!"

"What? Did you figure it out?"

"I gave him my phone to take a picture of my tattoo because I couldn't see it in the mirror! I was wondering why it took him so long to give me my phone back, I had just figured that he had taken numerous photos and was choosing the best one to show me. God, am I stupid." I slapped my forehead, and Belle smirked.

"You were shirtless in front of him?"

"Shut up!" I smacked Belle's arm, and she laughed.

"Sorry, sorry." She paused, "Maybe he has a little crush on you."

"I highly doubt he actually likes me, he's a total ass to me." I sighed, rereading the text.

"Maybe he wants sex?"

"Probably, he seems like the type of person to do that." I shrugged, "But it's not like I'm ever going to date him, so there's no need to worry about what he wants, because he'll never get it, not from me at least."

"What has he even said to you that makes you think he's an ass?" Belle asked, going back to scrolling through her Tumblr.

"He always makes fun of my tattoo decisions, and... well there's not much more that he's done so far." I paused. "Actually, he's a pervert too."

"That doesn't mean he's an ass! Your tattoos are probably extremely dumb to him, I mean, he's probably calling them stupid because you're just going for a grunge look. Grunge people usually choose simple tattoos that have no meaning whatsoever, and if he's a huge tattoo enthusiast, then of course he's going to think they're dumb! That's why I don't want to get a tattoo, because I'll probably choose something in the grunge area that has no meaning to me whatsoever, and I'll regret it later on in my life." Belle explained, and as soon as she finished her speech, it all clicked in my mind. It made perfect sense. Luke wasn't just expressing his opinion, but he was trying to get me to not get the tattoos. He knew that if they had no meaning to me whatsoever, then they would later be loathed.

"Damnit, maybe you're right, that makes perfect sense." I nodded, and Belle smiled.

"I told you I'll always be more wise than you." She winked, and I laughed.

"So, does this mean I should get a tattoo that means a lot to me next time?" I asked, and Belle nodded.

"Think of it this way, what tattoo would you be happy with when you are fifty years old, that you would smile when you see?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't know of anything that means a lot to me that would be cool as a tattoo." I mumbled.

I noticed Belle start typing on her laptop, and I looked closer at the screen. She was looking up quotes.

"Tonight, we'll find you a perfect tattoo that has lots of meaning to you, and then you'll go into that tattoo parlour and show Luke you aren't some dumb bimbo!" Belle smiled, and I laughed.

"I don't think me getting a quote tattoo is going to make Luke like me."

Belle rolled her baby blue eyes, "Oh shut up, I'm sure that he has a little crush on you. I mean, look at yourself!"

I felt myself blush, Belle always found ways to compliment me, and I wasn't one that took compliments easily. I found it hard to believe that people found me "beautiful" or "hot." It just didn't seem to fit me.

"I don't think so." I mumbled, and Belle smiled sympathetically at me.

"I can't wait until you see how beautiful you actually are, it'll be a great day." She said, and I couldn't meet her eyes, "Since you think he's a hottie, do ya think that you could get a picture of him for me? I wanna see who your future boyfriend is!"

I snapped my head up to glare at Belle, and smacked her arm, "Shut up!"

"I can see it now! A future wedding with two hot babes completely covered in tattoos, and there I'll be, your bridesmaid. I'll make sure to tell this Luke kid how you had a small crush on him the first time you - " I hit Belle's arm again, this time a lot harder.

"Shut up!" I squealed, making my best friend smirk, then shrug.

"Just get a picture of him." She said before going back to scrolling through Tumblr, while I sat staring at my phone screen, bottom lip inbetween my teeth.

hi luke


woah man

short chapter im sorry )-:

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