- Chapter 4 -

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Namjoon woke up to the sun shining in his face. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. He couldn't stretch his right arm though. Namjoon looked to his side and saw Yoongi cuddled up in the blankets laying his head on Namjoon's arm. Namjoon smiled and kissed Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi opened his eyes slowly and blushed as he saw Namjoon.

"Good morning dork," Namjoon laughed.

"Don't call me dork! You're a dork! Anyways, good morning," Yoongi smiled as he gave Namjoon a peck on his plump soft lips.

Namjoon was the one blushing now. Yoongi chuckled as he saw Namjoon's cheeks turn a pinkish red.

"Wow, so the big tough dork does blush! I knew I could make you blush someday!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Hahaha very funny! I'll get you back," Namjoon teased.

"Oooh I'm so scared," Yoongi joked.

Yoongi sat up from the bed and stretched. Namjoon got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Yoongi rubbed his eyes, still trying to wake himself up. Yoongi slowly walked to the bathroom to wash up too.

"What time did we fall asleep?" Namjoon asked.

"I think at midnight," Yoongi mumbled as he splashed his puffy pale face with water.

"Midnight? Wow we really went to sleep late," Namjoon said.

Yoongi patted his face dry with the towel and gave the towel to Namjoon. Namjoon smiled and patted his face dry as well. They both hoped that Jin and Hoseok weren't awake yet because they would have to come up with an excuse on why they slept in the same room especially since they now know that if they told anyone about their relationship they would think it was weird. Namjoon opened the door quickly and walked out of the room with Yoongi. The living room was empty, Jin and Hoseok were still asleep in the room.

"Good thing they're in their room I was not looking forward to explaining," Yoongi sighed as he hugged Namjoon.

"Yeah I would've stumbled over my words and end up telling Jin everything if I had to come up with an excuse," Namjoon laughed.

Namjoon kissed Yoongi on the cheek and hugged him from behind. Yoongi still had to get used to all the lovey stuff, but he didn't hate it at all he loved that Namjoon showed his love this way. Yoongi smiled and relaxed in Namjoon's arms. Namjoon rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder. Their height difference was just right enough for it. Suddenly the sound of Jin's room door ruined the moment. Namjoon let Yoongi go as Yoongi practically ran out of Namjoon's arms. Jin's door opened slowly revealing a half awake Jin with major bed head.

"Good morning," Jin mumbled as he was trying to fully open his eyes.

"Hey, how did you sleep?" Yoongi smiled.

"Huh? I slept good, especially with Hoseok not snoring as loud as he usually does," Jin chuckled as he slowly walked, dragging his feet, to the couch to sit down. "How about you? Did you sleep well?" Jin asked.

"We- I mean I slept well! It was so peaceful to fall asleep with the sounds of the rain," Yoongi nervously said.

"Yeah it was really relaxing," Namjoon smiled.

Jin was still tired and trying to wake himself up. Yoongi glanced at Namjoon who was on his phone. Namjoon was texting someone, but when Yoongi tried to look at who it was Namjoon immediately put his phone away. Namjoon didn't want Yoongi seeing that he was texting Hoseok to distract Jin for the day so he could take Yoongi out. Namjoon didn't want Yoongi knowing that Hoseok knew all along that he and Yoongi were a thing.

"Namjoon what are you hiding?" Yoongi whispered angrily.

"I'll show you later," Namjoon said as he went into Yoongi's room.

Yoongi followed him into the room and closed the door. Jin had passed out on the couch so he didn't notice at all. Namjoon looked at Yoongi and showed him the phone.

"I didn't want to show you because we had promised not to let anyone know about us," Namjoon sighed.

"Huh? Hoseok knows?! Since when?" Yoongi questioned as he scrolled through the text.

"Remember last night when we cuddled on the couch? Yeah, well Hoseok was still awake!" Namjoon explained.

"What?! When did he tell you that he knew?" Yoongi asked.

"He texted me in the middle of the night and asked if you and I were together," Namjoon laughed.

"Wow, okay from now on we won't let anyone know! We really have to keep this hidden," Yoongi sighed.

Namjoon went to Yoongi and held him in his arms. Namjoon kissed Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi immediately blushed. Yoongi looked at Namjoon and kissed him on his lips. Namjoon put his head on Yoongi's shoulder and started blushing.

"I finally got you!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"I'll get you back," Namjoon teased. "Hurry up and get ready I planned a day out for us," Namjoon said.

"Wait we're going out? Like on a date?" Yoongi asked.

"No dates are weird! Think of it as a hangout, but as a couple!" Namjoon chuckled.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Yoongi questioned.

"Uh no it's not! Shut up, dork." Namjoon grinned.

The two began to get ready for their 'hangout'. Namjoon was hesitant on what to wear, he had only brought a few clothes. Yoongi just put on the leather jacket Namjoon had given him over a plain white t-shirt with ripped denim jeans and a pair of sneakers. Namjoon was still looking at himself in the mirror and making sure his outfit was right.

"Namjoon, you look good actually you look good in any outfit you put on," Yoongi smiled.

"Stop making me shy, dork!" Namjoon stuttered as he got so shy from Yoongi's comment.

"I'm telling the truth!" Yoongi laughed.

Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's hand and they both headed out for the day. Would the day go well though?

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