Dedications and Things You Need To Know

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FOR MUM, DAD AND HOLLY, who have put up with my continuous ranting throughout the years. You honestly have no idea how much it means that you are reading this.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is not perfect. Far from it. I cannot express this fact enough. I am 12, so please don't expect the most sophistacated writing you can get (I'm trying!) I am also  continuing to edit this (if a bit slowly) which means that sometimes I will be editing entire chapters at a time (basically cutting out all the cheese and cliches) so if I send you a note (providing you are following me) saying that I've redone chapters so and so, do check back! It might change the way you see the story, characters or my writing. Thanks! I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you have bothered to read my story. I hope one day to be a published author, and you guys is where it's going to start.         

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