Inner Child( Unconditionally by Katy Perry)

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Let your thoughts flow ,

Let your opinion speak loud and clear

Dont let anyone take your freedom away

If people judge they are idiots as they havent lived

Make every moment count or your going to regret it

Your inner child is in everyone as we all are childish in your own ways

Stand up and be proud of who you are and dont change for anyone

Who needs to grow up because growing up doesnt mean to stop your childish ways

Be heard 

Be yourself

Set yourself Free

Be your inner chid 


Hi guys im back sorry for the longest update ever . I had writers bloack and of course University which the americans say College . It is like a job for me as im having to do too many projects and well we get odd jobs to do like serving . So if you dont know me and you just stumbled upon my poem Im an Associate Degree Hospitality Management student with a secret passion to write . I wanted to be a journalist but life changed so now i write here hoping to inspire people


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