Maybe it's not real?

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~ Hermione's pov ~ 

I can't tell whether im going absolutely mental because i cant figure out who ive been dreaming about for the past four nights or the fact that Ginny wont let this go. 


"Oooo!! Maybe he's a hufflepuff?"


"Cause obviously he isn't a ravenclaw seeing that he let you fall. Oooo or mayb..." 

"Ginny!!! Please just stop I'm trying to proof read my potions homework" I said trying to continue reading 

"Mione you've read it four times already. I think once was enough, and plus don't you want to figure out who he is?"  In a determined voice 

Sometimes I wonder who wants to know more me or Ginny and its times like these where i think to myself maybe i dont want to know cause i know he isnt real. Maybe thats why i feel like she wants to know more than i do? Think about it she asks me the same questions every day and i try my best to avoid the subject of the "broom stick hotty". Why I agreed to using the name Ginny named the boy i've been dreaming about, but i actually dont know. 

"What if he's not real?" I whispered more to myself than to Ginny


~ Draco's pov ~

"C'mon Draco let me try again. I know I can do it this time!!" Blaise whined I was on the floor cradling my head as the headache starts to subside. 

"Zabini I swear on your life the next time you try that again on me, I will end you. I'm as desperate as you may be well maybe less, but hell no am i letting you pull that stunt again."

As I walked to my bed and just collapsed onto it I close my eyes and relived the dream. I can feel her small hands pressed against my abdomen and her arms wrapped tightly around me. She feels so close yet so far away. I need to find her, but I'm afraid that maybe she isnt real. I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach like a clenching feeling I have to know I just have to. My curiousity always got the best of me.

I sat up and looked at Blaise to find that he was already looking at me. He had a glint of knowingness like he knew what I was going to ask.

"Zabini explain to me how this works." 

Zabini sits up cause he knows no matter what he says I'll let him try it again which peeves me off.

"I read a book on Divination spell where you can access someone’s memories and sometimes dreams, but only depending on how strong the emotional tie is to the person and the dream.” He said as if he had rehearsed this conversation a thousands time. “Oh and i forgot to mention that I found this book in the restricted area of the library.” As bad as I wanted to hit this git for not telling me this before I didn’t care i just wanted to know if she was real… not that i would do anything about it i just hated not knowing. 

As I close my eyes I could almost feel the smirk on his face as he steps infront of me and takes hold of my head. I can hear him whispering silently and softly and then that sharp throbbing pain in my head started getting stronger and stronger, but in all honesty if I were totally honest she's worth the pain even if she isn't real. 


Guess who's back ;) hahahaha nah hey guys sorry bout the delay on this chapter. I really hate school omg never gets to do anything i want, but dont think this means im encouraging you to drop out lol. I promise I'll TRY to update every Wednesday. K have a great day guys :* xoxox 

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