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Brian tapped his foot absentmindedly as he listened to the songs in the pink iPod in his pocket. His eyes lit up as he spots you walking towards his direction. A smirk grazed his face as he saw some guys clearly eyeball you as you walk by them at the lobby. Oblivious as you always are, you just continue walking towards him, your hands currently tugging on the hood of your jacket making sure that it will somehow protect you from the cold air outside.

"Sorry I was late, you know how my boss likes to talk." you say upon reaching him.

"That she does..." Brian replied with a chuckle as he wrap his arms around you. "So, have you decided yet what you would like for dinner?"

"I'm thinking Thai. I have this sudden craving for curry." You replied.

"We could do that." taking your hand.

Once in the car, you started messing with the radio as Brian drove. You decided to settle to a pop station as nothing else seem to have a better music selection.

"Coming up next is Call it What you Want by Taylor Swift... Enjoy!"

"Oohhh Tay Tay is on!" You said excitedly, turning up the music some.

"Is this song part of that album you preorderd?" He asked. You nodded.

"Huh..." Brian said under his breatg once the song was over. "Tykva, will you look up the lyrics to that song they just played?"

"Sure..." You say. "Oh look, it even has a lyric video... What, you're a Swifty now too?" You joked, knowing how different your musical tastes are.

"Not really, but read the lyrics to it and listen to it again." Brian said as he pulled up at a vacant parking spot.

You did as you were told but is still drawing a blank. You look up at him only to see him looking at you lovingly.

"I think I get now when you say that it is as if she writes her song specifically for you..." he then reached for your phone. "Like this one, 'they took the crown but it's alright' and -"

"I still think you got robbed..." you interrupted with a pout, making him smile. You then nod your head for him to continie.

"The whole chorus just speaks of what I feel when I see you. And of everything, 'I know I did one thing right' by asking you to be my girlfriend..."

"Oh baby..." You say, clearly holding backs sobs as you enjoy this romantic moment.

"But the part that really got me was,
' I recall late November, holding my breath
Slowly I said, "You don't need to save me
But would you run away with me?' I know it is not even mid-November yet, and I am not asking you to run away with me but..." he then took a deep breath, while you held yours. "Will you move in with me? And that chain around your neck, please get rid of it. I want you to show everyone you're off the market. While it boosts my ego to see them eyeballing you, it scares me some too."

"This is-"

"You don't have to give me an answer not, think about it..."

"I will move in with you..." You say, before taking your glove off and undoing your necklace. "I am on monthly least anyway, I can leave before the next month starts." You then handed him the ring.

"It's settled then!" he said happily after placing the ring in the finger it belongs to. You pulled him in for a kiss.


"You know, I have been thinking about asking you for you to move in for a while..." he said as the two of you waited for your order.

"Oh really?" You say. "You better thank Taylor Swift then as her song gave you a boost."

"Will do..." he said. "Maybe I'd even ask her yo be at the wedding." He said before placing a kiss on your lips. "Thank You Taylor Swift it really is..."

A/N: Sprry if it took forever. I had been busy. New job, insane amount of college units, home, and life happen. I know this one might not be my best work. I got the idea from the fact that Katya got robbed twice already. Also, TRIXIE better win! #AllStars3. Let me know your thoughts!!!

Crazy. Stupid. Love. (One Shots. Katya/Brian xReader)Where stories live. Discover now