Unwanted Flirting

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As a young woman, and college student it is likely that you will be hit on. I am not saying that guys do not have to deal with unwarranted and obnoxious flirting, just that women have to deal with it. It may be awkward and unwelcome but it does happen. 

Sydney was sitting by the chaotic epicenter for meals, also known as the cafeteria, waiting to clock in when a man approached her. He sat down and began making small talk. Needless-to-say that small talk transformed into a request for a date to which my friend rejected. This was just the first incidence. Another guy approached her not long after and I'm sure it will happen again. Now if you are like me, no one really approaches you, luckily, and you do not usually have to deal with this.

Just be aware of it. If someone ever makes you uncomfortable or you feel like it could turn into a dangerous situation get help. Report it. If you are in a potentially dangerous or uncomfortable situation call public safety and let them walk you home. Most colleges have this feature and or a panic button(s) around campus. Utilize this. 

In Sydney's case the flirting didn't go too far. While she wasn't very comfortable both guys left and haven't approached her since. 

Be careful. 

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