III. voices

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Voices & how they sound.

Adenoidal= some of the sound seems to come through their nose while speaking.

Brittle= sounds as if your about to cry.

Croaky= low, rough voice, sore throat.

Disembodied= a voice coming from someone you cannot see.

Fruity= deep and strong in a pleasant way.

Grating= unpleasant and annoying.

Honeyed= sounds nice, but you cannot trust the speaking person.

Husky= deep, hoarse, often in an attractive way.

Modulated= controlled and pleasant.

Monotonous= boring.

Orotund= loud and clear.

Raucous= loud and rough.

Silvery= clear, light and pleasant.

Stentorian= loud and severe.

Taut= nervous or angry.

Wheezy= someone having difficulty breathing.

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