chapter 3

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When Damon's thoughts really started to get the best of him on the long drive back to Mystic Falls, he called Katherine. He needed some answers, and as usual, she seemed to be the one pulling the strings here. She picked up on the second ring, sounding annoyed. "Took you long enough, Damon. Did you find our target?"

"Why did you send me, Katherine?"

"What do you mean?"

Damon could picture her look of wide-eyed faux innocence. That bitch. "Why did you send me?" he repeated. "Did you know what would happen?"

"Fine." He could practically hear the eye-roll in her voice. "You're exactly his type, okay? And you flirt with anything that moves, especially when you're looking for information."

"I do not flirt with anything that moves." Damon felt a little thrill at the idea that he was Aedan's type. And then he just felt disgusted with himself. He was pathetic.

"Yes, you do. So did it work? Did you get what we need?"

Damon wasn't ready to move on yet. "You could have warned me."

"Would you have agreed? I know you, Damon – you're a kinky guy. I figured you could handle yourself."

"Yeah, but still . . ."

Katherine interrupted him. "Oh my god. You followed through, didn't you? You slept with him."

"No," Damon said, trying to put as much disbelief as possible into his voice. "And by the way, that's none of your business, Katherine." Damon knew right away that he had overdone it. His denial was completely transparent, and Katherine would see right through him, as usual. She knew him even better than he knew her, after all.

"Now that's an interesting development," Katherine said. Damon thought she sounded amused, and he winced at the idea that he was providing Katherine with entertainment. Her voice continued after a short pause. "I'll bet it was hot. He's good in bed, isn't he?"

Fuck, Damon thought. Now he was sharing sexual partners with his evil vampire ex-girlfriend. That might even be more fucked up than sharing them with his brother. Or maybe not. He felt a small sense of gratification, however, that he had apparently finally managed to surprise Katherine.

He realized he had been silent too long when he heard Katherine's voice again. "Damon? So did you get it? Did Aedan know how to kill Klaus?"

"Yeah, he knew," Damon began. But then he lied. "But he wouldn't tell me."

"You're lying." Damon knew just the way Katherine would be narrowing her eyes as she said those words. He had also known that she wouldn't believe him. She would find out soon enough if the spell checked out, but for now, it was more fun to keep her guessing.

"Nope. I wish I was."

"Have you lost your touch that much? Been crushing on humans too long?"

Damon refused to let her rile him up. He shrugged even though she couldn't see the motion through the phone. "Guess so."

Next she tried to threaten him. "I wonder how my little human doppelganger would take the news that she's been replaced in your bed and your heart?"

Damon was not going to go there. "Gotta go, Katherine. It's been fun, as always." He hung up the phone. He just hoped Katherine wouldn't actually tell Elena because he'd have a hell of a time explaining himself. In truth, he still had no real idea what had happened with Aedan O'Reilly or what he thought about it. Or whether he wanted it to happen again. If that was even an option. Damon shook his head, wishing he didn't still have more than an hour of driving ahead of him. That was way too much time to think.

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