I Bet You Wish You had Stayed Home

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Jaason, who was turning 17 in only 3 months, Rolled over and fell out of his bed. And as usual, it was the wrong side of the bed, Just as every-other morning. He was used to it by now but he hated it with a bloody passion straight from the fires of hell. "Ohh, It's going to be one of Those days again, isn't it, eh?" He groaned. He rose from the bedside only to hear stomping coming from the hallway. His parents were coming. He wasn't wearing anything but his boxers, so he quickly jumped back into bed. He doesn't wish to show his parents his scars. The door swung open, his parents entered. "What the Fuck Are you still doing in bed?!You should be ready for school! We have to go to work! We can't drive you Today!! Get Moving you lazy sack of shit!"  They Exited. He got out of bed and stepped on a thumbtack. "Ah! Shit! Oww!!" He ran into the bathroom and removed the tack, he put a bandaid over the hole in his foot and then went back into his bedroom and pulled on his jeans. He went to slip on hs socks, but his foot slipped through a hole at the toe. "Damn Dog.." he muttered as he threw out the sock and pulled on a dirty one. Jaason, still being shirtless, went into the bathroom and Styled his hair and He could hear his parents yelling at eachother and speeding off. He looked at his relection and He unsheathed a knife and asked himself "Why do I put up with this shit?". He pressed the blade to his wrist and Slid it across his smooth skin, cutting it like butter. Blood spilled into the Already Blood-Stained Marble sink. He wrapped his new scar in a Cloth-Bandage. He didn't care about his body. 'It's already breaking down, why should I care?' he thought to himself. He re-sheathed the knife and hid it away. He pulled on a Faded-Blue shirt and slipped on his Light-Grey hoodie. His pendant, which was given to him by his Girlfriend, dangled from his neck. He remebered to check his phone. 9 Text messages, 3 missed calls, 1 email. He cleared the calls from  his phone's memory. 8 of his texts were from his girlfriend, Sarah. "A break-up message? She couldn't just do it in person? What a Bitch". He checked his email.

[Shouldn't you be reading your last Text Message?]

"Those Assholes are just trying to pull pranks on me again." He exited the house and Locked the door behind him. He lit a cigarette and Set off on his way to school. The Last text, he checked about a block later. It Read:

{Don't Walk To School Today. Stay Home}

This message Finally got on his nerves, He was Half-Tempted to chuck his phone into a puddle and let a car run it over. But he didn't and continued on his way, without Paying any attention to the warning. He got to a Crosswalk a couple of blocks away from the school. As He was about to cross, his phone rang. 555-446-7871 The same number that has texted him before. He answered, there was a Heavy, Raspy breathing on the other end of the line. Jaason Started to Cross. Car Tires to a speeding Convertable Swerved around the corner, barraling towards Jaason. "I Bet You Wish You Had Stayed At Home".

Jaason woke in a Hospital Bed hours later. His Parents, Who were on their way to the Hospital, Died in a Fatal crash an hour before. Jaason was on his final breaths himself. A Heavily Damaged and Cracked Cell-Phone on the Table beside him Began to ring. It was the Same Number as Before. He answered it. "Hello?" he heard a Boy about his age say. Jaason Hesitated, but something told him exactly what to say. Jaason opened his mouth and said "I Bet You Wished You Had Stayed Home".

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