Chapter 2

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"Wow," Shiro said simply. I cradled a passed out Keith in my arms. There were tears running down my face as they splashed on to Keith's. "I can't believe you two." Shiro was saying. "You promised me that you wouldn't do this. Not till you were older." I looked up at him, still crying. "We didn't t-think that this w-would happen!" I sobbed. Shiro just hugged me. 

"Pidge," He said. The green paladin looked up at us. "How is Keith pregnant?" Pidge adjusted her glasses. "Well, I'm pretty sure it's because of Keith's Galra DNA.  But it also looks like there might be alien DNA in Lance as well. It's very faint but it's still there. UGH! I wish I read Altean!" 

As if on cue the mustache himself came waltzing into the room. "Well, what in the quiznak has happened here??" asked Coran. "Keith's pregnant," Pidge said bluntly. "Good heavens! You mean that Keith isn't a male??" I rolled my eyes at the stupid Altean. 'I can't be a father!' I sighed and turned back to Keith. He seemed to be stirring. "Keith~," I said calmly. His eyes popped open. He seemed to be afraid, I didn't blame him. He sat up and said, "I'm sorry." I kissed him gently on the lips. "Don't be. It was just a mistake," I said to him. We pressed our foreheads together and smiled. His greyish eyes sparkled with tears.

"Ummm..... Lance?" Pidge called. "Yeah?" I replied. "You're part Altean...." "I'M WHAT!?!??!?!" 

Shiro sighed and stood up from his place on the ground. "I think we have bigger problems than that," He said walking over to Coran.  "Can you tell us  anything you know about Galran pregnancy?" Coran thought about it for a moment then snapped his fingers.  "They are a race that is made to spawn. It doesn't matter whether you are male or female. If you have a man's sperm put into you then you're bound to get pregnant. The pregnancy cycle takes about a month or less depending on how long you and your partner have been sleeping together. It is a very painful process though and is something that the nonpregnant partner will have to be there for. But since you are part human, Keith, it should take at least two months and should be less painful." 

Everyone was silent for a little while. Keith finally broke it though. "How is the baby gonna come out of me?"  He cringed when he said this. Pidge was the one to answer, of course. "C-section," She said simply. Coran nodded. "We might have to take you back to earth for a while."  He said gravely.

I gasped loudly. "We can stay with my mom and dad!!!" Keith smiled at me. "I'm fine with that. It's been a while since I've seen your father." He said. "Oh, yeah! I forgot you met my dad back at the Garrison." I felt happier now. I was going home! It's been years since I've seen my family and I was looking forward to seeing them again. Finally, I'll be able to feel the rain on my face. 

"I guess we can drop them off at Lance's place in one of the Lions," Shiro said. "That sounds like a wonderful idea," Allura said suddenly. "Perhaps we could all use a little vacation. Besides, I've always wanted to go to earth." 

"It's settled then!" I said happily. "We're going home!" 

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