Zombie Melons Grieve - Still Stupid

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"Noooooooo!" cried Princess Persassy and Deaderella. "Dead Jeffffffffff!" moaned Princess Persassy. "Whyyyyy?!?!" sobbed Deaderella. Dead Jeff, their friend, had just been chopped in half. While they were grieving, the other giants left. Don picked them all up. "Wait, where are we going," asked Deaderella. Don dropped them into a black hole. The remaining two screamed as they fell. Then, Dead Jeff's body fell on top of them. They continued to sob. Then, the black hole started moving. "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!" cried Princess Persassy. The zombie melons were placed into another small planet that was bigger then the first. They escaped their black hole and wondered around. There were dozens of black hole and even more white black holes (white holes?). After a while they were laid onto another conveyor belt, bigger that the first. They looked ahead and saw they were heading straight towards a fiery abyss. "NO!" yelled Princess Persassy. "This is bad," added Deaderella. Try as they might, they couldn't stop the conveyor belt. Right before they entered, Princess Persassy said, "Dead Jeff, we will join you soon." The two remaining zombie melons clung to each other as they burned away. Soon, they were nothing but ashes.

The End.

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