
The morning of September 1st drew bright and cold, the sun making patterns through the hydrangea bush as Dean struggled to move his wooden trunk into the boot of the car.
"Mum, dad come on we have to get going!" He yelled back through the open door "also I need help I can't lift this" his dad came to the door smiling and took one side of the trunk as Lauren stumbled out of the door with the three girls clinging to her legs and baby Sammy curling his fingers through her hair as she struggled to the car.
"Are you two going to stand there or are you going to help me" she spluttered almost falling on her face as Hernando rushed to help her whilst Dean laughed on the side lines shutting the boot. He watched as they managed to detach Scout and Em but area stayed firmly koala cuddling her mothers leg until Dean tickled her so much she had to let go.

Ten minutes later, after baby had been settled in and all the girls were sitting comfortably they were finally off. Deans mind drifted from the conversations of his sibling and parents  beginning to day dream about the new life that awaited him at Hogwarts. Would it be like the horror stories of boarding schools he'd heard of in story books? Would there be mean teachers, curfew and houses? Questions raced through his mind as they got closer and closer to Kings Cross.
"Hey Dean?" His mother called back from the front seat "what's up honey? You look stressed." Dean cracked a small smile.
"Little bit, but excited too. I'm going to miss all of you so much" his whole family awed and baby Sammy giggled
"We'll miss you too buddy" replied Hernando trying to direct his voice back towards Dean while keeping his eyes on the road.
"Careful dear" came Lauren's slightly panicked voice as they came to a stop light with traffic careening through from the other way. Just as they pulled up Dean blinked and the light turned green. As the car began to move again Em glanced towards him, he winked and she giggled.

Soon enough the grand building revealed itself accompanied by Emily's screech of
"WE'RE HERE!" Everyone hopped out of the car, Dean's parents attempting to carry all of his stuff whilst Emily Scout and Teagan ran off to attempt to find a luggage trolley.
"Found one! found one! found one!" The high pitches voices accompanied the trundling shudder of metal against concrete as the girls slammed the trolley into the lip of the path. There came a small Oops as Sammy was startled by the noise and started to sob but all of the luggage was soon loaded, including a rather ticked off Aminita, and the family headed into the station.
"Aurora said between platforms nine and ten didn't she?"
"There doesn't seem to be a platform that exists between the two perhaps she wasn't sure which one" his parents commented back and forth as they descended towards the platforms. The struggle going back and forth and beginning to grate on Dean's ears.
"Agh, stop arguing you two I'll just go ask." Dean snapped and walked off towards the nearest conductor. "Excuse me ma'm? Would you be able to point me in the direction of platform 9 3/4?" She gave him a weird look before muttering "why so many weird kids with that question today?" Then shaking her self plastering on a smile stated "Im not sure what you're talking about I'm sorry but platforms nine and ten are just over the tracks okay?" She smiled again patted Dean on the shoulder and turned to help some other customers.
Dean shook his head feeling slightly patronised and even more stressed it was around ten fifteen and he wanted to have time to try and figure out how things worked. But with the luck he was having he wasn't sure he would even make the train in time. He slowly started heading back towards his parents to tell them the bad news when a slightly familiar voice echoed around him as an Irish boy accidentally knocked into him nearly sending all of his luggage flying.
"Oh sweet Christ, are ye okay? I did'n see ya there sorry!" Dean smiled waving off the apology.
"It's okay Seamus, accidents happen" Seamus' face lit up as soon as he said his name.
"Dean mate, I recognised ya as soon as I realised who I'd bowled over! It's good to see ya," both boys shook hands.
"Do you know how to get on to the platform? My family and I can't find it and they're getting a little worried." Seamus smiled throwing his arm around Dean's shoulder
"Well buddy" he started attempting a New Yorker accent "we here are professional" he began to drag him off into the crowds.
"Wait I gotta grab my family, I'll be right back." Dean quickly ran off into the sea of people searching for his family in the ever growing crowds. Luckily his sisters found him before he could get to lost and his parents came soon after that. They quickly wound their way back towards platform nine and ten, the Finnegan family were standing pretty much where Dean had left Seamus except on this side of the tracks. " Mum Dad, this is Seamus he's the guy I met in Gringotts when we went shopping that time." Both set of parents smiled and shook hands as introductions for both families were made and as a group they headed across the platform.
"Hey Seamus, why are we heading for a brick wall?" Dean questioned pointing  towards what seemed to be their destination. Mrs Finnegan chuckled
"We ain't heading for the wall laddie, that be a barrier, a disguise for the entrance if ya will." She paused gesturing for them all to stop "all ya gotta do is head straight for the wall. Don' take any second chances or wee doubts just head straight for it." She beckoned her husband forwards "Art 'nd I'll show ya how it's done." She turned on her heel dragging her somewhat unwilling looking husband behind her heading at a steady march towards what still looked like a solid wall, but in a blink and you'll miss it moment suddenly they weren't there.
"Come on now Dean let's go next shall we?" Dean's siblings quickly jumped around his ankles begging him to take them with him. He chuckled
"Can these ragamuffins come to" Seamus scoffed a quick yes secretly glad to spend some time with younger kids as he craved siblings. Together they headed towards the wall.
"You first laddie, you're the newbie here" Dean rolled his eyes but got in position at the edge of the wall and with siblings holding onto his legs shoulders and sitting on top of his trunk they aimed for the brick and braced for an impact that never came.
"Dean! Look at the train! Screamed Scout. Dean chuckled as Seamus came through the barrier and Emily and Tea headed for his legs. His parents came through a few moments after the rest of their family with baby Sammy cooing and reaching to play with the steam coming from the train. The Finnegan family quickly found them again and started to chat as the two boys found where to stow their luggage and animals, needless to say Aminita did not feel very appreciated at that moment Dean promised he would make up for it later.

The families and boys chatted and got to know each other until the whistle was blown for all students to board the train. Tearful goodbyes, bone crushing hugs and promises to write were exchanged as the two boys ran for the last open door.

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