Sequel preview

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Hey guys! It's finally here!!! I hope I didn't leave you guys waiting for too long.  Now, without further a-do, the sequel preview...

Lillian Haddock sat behind the front desk of the greeting counter in the front foyer of Marlinspike Hall, book in hand. She had been reading said book for 3 weeks now, and was nearly halfway through. It was a non-fiction about the history of folklore in Europe, and it was getting quite interesting.
She was completely enthralled in a section about Scotland's potion-making, when she heard a rather loud thump from upstairs.  This was peculiar, she thought, because there had been no tours that day, and the main caretaker was on vacation in Italy for his daughter's wedding.
She decided that it was probably just her imagination, seeing as she was already on edge from being the only one there that day.  She returned her attention back to her book, interested to hear more about dogweed potions of Scotland.
She was right in the middle of a sentence when she heard a yell.  It sounded like a man's s scream.  This really set her off.  She marked her book page and stepped out from behind the counter. She grabbed a flashlight (just in case she had to defend herself), and began to scale the stairs. 
"Hello?"  She called out, getting closer to the top.  She paused at the landing, listening for any kind of movement. 
All was silent, and she was just about to head back down the stairs and blame it on her nerves, until she heard a small woof come from Tintin's old room. 
She slowly walked towards the closed door, bringing the flashlight up in preparation. 
"Hello?" She called again.  She inched slowly towards the door, putting her hand on the doorknob.  She slowly turned the knob, pushing the door inwards so little that you could barely see through the crack she had created.
She leaned into the crack and said, "Listen, come out and show yourself or I'm calling the cops." Her voice and hands were shaking, but her tone was stern.  She waited a moment for a response, but it was no use. 
"I-if you don't come out, I'll kick the d-door down."  She said, stepping back and squaring herself with he door frame.  "I'm going to count to three!" She warned.
"1...!"  She gripped the flashlight a bit tighter.
"2...!" She put some weight on her back foot, preparing to karate kick the door.
"3!" She kicked the door as hard as she could, and it flew open.  Inside the room, there stood a young man with red hair, with a small white dog in his arms, and next to him, a man with black hair and a black beard.  They had shock stricken expressions, much like Lillian's.
"Please Miss, we don't mean you any ha-"
"You're....Y-y-you're...". She pointed at the red head with a shaky finger.  "A-a-and you're..." she then pointed to the older man with dark hair. 
"Yes, yes, I'm Tintin, and this is Captain Haddock.  Now listen, we're not here to-"
With that, she fainted with a gasp of fear, and fell limp to the ground. 
For a moment, they looked at her, staring in shock and awe.
"Wow..." the Captain began,  "good job lad. You killed her."
"Did not!" The red head retorted, his eyebrows laced together with worry.
"...Did I?"

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