Chapter 3

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 I wake right before dawn, when night gets much darker and the earth is silent and still, getting ready to throw a surprise party for the sun, welcoming it back for another beautiful day. As for me, though, I prefer the night. In the heart of the night I can roam free without being seen, the silence is inviting.

 I prowl the woods for a short time before finding the edge of the forest. The highway is right there, and there a quite a few people out at this time of night. Figuring I can't get lost now, with the intersate as my guide, I stick to the trees of the edge, follow the long, twisting road, and hope for a city to hide in for a while.

 Cities are super helpful. With all the weird people (especially New York) and busy, loud streets, it's nearly impossible to find one person, a freak among freaks. There are always places to change your whole appearance, so if a bad guy sees you one way, and then you change, they'll never be able to tell the difference even if they are looking straight into your eyes.

 After a seven mile hike north, I come across a gas station. I whip out some cash and pay for a water bottle and some Oreos. Aren't I healthy?

 I take off in search of money. My cash supply is running low, especially in American dollars. I have the most Euros, but I figure I can change then in for American money since I won't be in Europe for much longer. That's right, folks, I'm headed for America now. I've only been there once, when the labs wanted to show me off to some research center in New York. They thought I was brilliant experiment, and that I should be shown off to the whole world. When the lab I came from declined this suggestion, they offered to buy me. My lab people just whisked me away without saying another word.

 I stroll the sidewalks of the town. I think I'm in Spain now. Eating my breakfast slowly, as if I've really got all the time in the world, I glance around for a bank. And finally I get to one.

 "Hola," says a man by the door as I walk in.

 "Hola," I reply. Yes, this is Spain all right... I trudge up to the desk and ask for my one thousand Euros to be changed into USD, which is $1, 433.83.

 "¿No eres un poco joven para retirar esta cantidad de dinero?" the man at the front desk asks me when I ask for that much money. He thinks I'm too young to be withdawing that amount of money.

 I reply in Spanish saying that I'm not too young, that it is my own money, and to stop questioning me and give me the damn money. So he does. Which I thought was weird, because I think he should still be a little more persistant.

 I make my way to a library to borrow a computer. I go the airport website and order a plane ticket to Atlanta, Georgia for today, Tuesday, March 15 at 5:43 PM. I leave, making sure to delete the history from the computer, and leave. I get a ride from a taxi. The most obnoxious taxi driver I have ever met. He talks so fast and never stops, and while I'm very fluent at speaking Spanish, I lose him halfway through the conversation.

 "Why are you going to America?" he asks suddenly, in my native language, German.

 I'm taken aback. "I never told you where I'm going..."

 "Oh, but I knew, didn't I?" he continues in German. Wasn't he speaking Spanish like 5 seconds ago.

 "Shit!" I whisper. He's one of them, obviously. How did they find me already? Shit, now they know where I'm planning on going too! Dammit, these people konw too much. No matter how fast I am, their pace is always more rapid than mine. Always one step ahead of the game, and they certainly keep the ball rolling.

 I've got to get out of here, I think, trying to keep my composure calm and collected. "Yes, I suppose you did, you smarty pants! You keep me moving, that's for sure. Thank you."

 The 'taxi driver's' face changes into a look of plain confusion, and he slows down a little. Good, I think. Perfect...

 "Really, sir, I want to thank all of you who are chasing me, truly," I continue softly with fake admiration. "You are making me act more mature, and teaching me to be aware of my surroundings. You've taught me how to care for myself at a young age, so that I will be better off with that when I'm older."

 "If you grow older," he mumbles, just above a barely audible whisper. "I could kill you now." He's getting haughty now. "In fact, I think I will."

 I shove the door open just before he swerves the car into a massive gas truck, a suicide mission meant to kill us both, maybe even the truck driver as well. I roll on the ground to the side of the intersate, where no cars can run me over. I laugh to myself. Two dumbass' down, a million more to go, I think, smiling to myself as I stand. The two vehicles explode. I close my eyes tightly. The heat from the raging fire burns them, and I back away blindly until I've reached the metal bar that separates the highway from the grass. It reminds me a lot of my reality to the reality of the rst of the world.

 I run sa fast as I can go from the scene of the accident. I don't want to risk any police inquirying me or taking photos. That would be bad. Very bad. Super bad. Well, you get the point. My fastest speed, 60mph, gets me really far in almost no time. I was only 45 minutes away from the nearest airport to begin with, so I arrived in no time.

 I stare at the huge building in front of me. The roaring of engines so precise in my ears, so distinct, that it hurts. I can see in the building, look at all the people in there, every strand of hair and every freckle, every piece of lint on their clothing. I stride toward the main entrance as if I know what I'm doing and try my hardest to blend in with the crowd.

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