eflagella - Persuade me.

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Book:Persuade me.

Persuade me.

'Standing up I looked straight at Professor Garrett, smirking evilly. “Hi, my name’s Christy Evan’s and I’m an English major. Let’s see,” I said tapping my chin in concentration, all the while trying not to laugh out loud, “I’m the leader of a group of intergalactic beings who are here to terminate all those who are deemed too conceited for the good of civilization,” pausing I gave Professor Garrett a pointed look of my own, “I live on planet screw you, and I’m allergic to bullshit.” Smirking and feeling very satisfied with myself, I waited for Professor Garrett’s next move. ' -When Christy finds her long term boyfriend isn't who she thought he was, what will she do? She's about to begin college-the same one he chose to go to as well. With the help of her best friends and a new forbidden love interest, can she be persuaded to let go and love again?


I interviewed the author of 'Persuade me.' eflagella.Here is how our interview went.

Me:ok Q1.did you expect your book to get this far? 

eflagella:Haha! Not in this century…or the next…or even the one after that, lmao!

Me:What about the next one?Lol jk.Q2.what gave you the idea for the story?

eflagella:I had been reading student/teacher stories for a while and was basically just curious to see if I could write one and make it unique or at least not completely cliché…hopefully I’m somewhat succeeding. :/

Me:well you must be if it has gotten this far.Q3.how long have you been on Wattpad for?

eflagella:I joined just over a year ago but was mostly a silent reader for most of it. I just started posting my stories around mid-January; again mostly out of curiosity as to whether people would actually read them or not…and for some reason they do lol. xD

Me:Cool.Q4.if you had one wish what would it be?

eflagella:Oi! >.< Ummm…I guess to be able to spend a day with my grandma again before she became sick and passed away. I’d give anything to be able to spend more time with her…she was the greatest person I’ve ever known and I miss her more than anything…

Me::( Poor you.Q5.What's your favorite song?

eflagella:Currently I am obsessed with Breaking Benjamin as I’m sure my fans are aware of as I’m constantly posting their lyrics as my status…hehe. :P My favorite song of theirs at the moment is “Breathe”

Me:I don't really know who breaking benjimin is but I have been hearing a lot about them.Q6.Do you have any good advice for your fans?

eflagella:Never give up. If you want something then go for it and don’t be afraid to take risks or worry about what others think or want. You’ll never be happy if you live for others and not yourself.

Me:Good advice.Q7.Any shout outs that you would like to do?

eflagella:Eep! Now I have to try not to forget anyone! O.O Let’s see��@Mosiac because I miss her like crazy as she’s my epically awesome first mate/sister from another mister who had better hurry up and get back on here before I have to hunt her down…-.-@hopelessromantic1993 who is my awesomely evil twin who I couldn’t make it without…you better update soon though lady or we’re gonna have it out!@gunsandguitars for being my favoritest little sister and sharing her wonderful work with us!@KeepTheRhythm for being an amazing friend, putting up with my dumba$$ and sharing his wonderful poetry with us!@Joshua2038 for being an awesome little brother and the bestest little Joshylackeypoo ever! *coos* :P @iWrite4Fun for being my first watty buddy and for being absolutely amazing!...though she has been depriving me of her writing lately...*pouts* And finally@tinyturtlez cause he’s awesome or something…mostly just a perv *whispers while looking around paranoid* beware of him… :P

Me:Haha ok I will look out then.Q8.Do any wattpad writers inspire you?if so why?

eflagella:Oh lord there are so many��@makeandoffer@kirsty1000@dazedandconfused@xxskater2girl16xx and@lilly-rain to name a few… They are all really talented writers who inspire me with their incredible stories that make me laugh, cry and want to rip out my hair in frustration at times. Basically they rock! :D

Me:Cool and those question marks you do are cool.Q9.Do you have any hints you would like to give your fans on the next chapter of 'persuade me.'?

eflagella:I actually write as I go and don’t plan ahead lol. So nope. Sorry guys! *offers sheepish grin before running from the pissed off mob of fans* o.O

Me:Haha okayyy.Q10.Anything else you would like to say before we finish?

eflagella:I truly appreciate each and every one of you who have so much as read my work and liked it. For all of my fans, your dedication is truly humbling and I love you guys! To my friends on here, I love you guys more than you’ll ever know! Thanks for always having my back and just know I’ll always have yours as well! xxx

Me:And that's it.:( Hopefully we will talk soon.Good look on your book!


So what did you think of the interview?if you haven't fanned her yet well hurry up and fan her people!Please leave comments and next time we might have LikkleAngle whith her book 'How to turn a good girl bad.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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