IV. Death Speaks

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Lady Katalin had a certain wariness about her as she studied Sorne and Vridash, mostly towards the orc. She likely had never met one of his people until now and Genevais stories made orcs out to be vicious savages. "Well met, Vridash of the Wind," she said as pleasantly as she could muster while probably being terrified. Ekaitz and the other guards seemed uncomfortable with the orc's proximity to the noblewoman, but Katalin was ignoring it. She looked over at the human warrior. "Warden Loiola neglected to mention that your brother was an orc."

"Not much of a family resemblance," Ekaitz said. He'd uncrossed his arms on their approach, probably so his hands could linger closer to his weapons. His whole body seemed tense in anticipation for a fight.

"Vridash's clan took me in when I was a good deal younger," Sorne said by way of explanation. She wasn't pleased with the suspicion, but both she and Vridash had been expecting it. "He's trustworthy and he's the best archer you'll ever meet. You'll want his help. Besides, we're something of a package deal. Now why did you come seeking out a hero?" The last word tasted bitter. Sorne didn't consider herself one. The heroes were the ones who gave up everything, who died on that scorched battlefield.

Katalin hesitated slightly. She seemed to be thinking hard about what she was going to say next. Finally, she reached some kind of decision. "Because Aldana has a power that an army cannot equal," she said. "My father said as much before he was captured. We have been fighting Aldana in the south, albeit through a more subtle resistance than open war, for the past five years. Every spy we ever sent into Soule was captured within minutes. Every secret they held, spilled in a few more. We tried to be so careful, but somehow we made a mistake and now my father is in prison."

"What about your siblings?" Sorne said.

The noblewoman's lips pressed into a thin line before she spoke. Clearly it was a sensitive subject. "My oldest sister, Amaya, was too outspoken. She died years ago, poisoned. Miren was married off to Duke Aroztegi the day after Father was arrested and is living a terrified, quiet life away from the family's resources. My brother, Nikola, is a penitent. I doubt he is anywhere near Genev. We haven't spoken for a very long time."

"How do you think Aldana is managing to get information from your spies so quickly?" Sorne asked thoughtfully. It did sound unusual, though perhaps the spies weren't particularly loyal. The warrior didn't know them, so she had no answer of her own. 

"I have a theory," the noblewoman said. She motioned for Sorne and Vridash to sit down by the fire. Her guards reluctantly took up sentry positions, though they stayed close enough that they could rush to her if there was trouble. "After the Great War, Aldana made a great many overtures of friendship to the other crowns of men. Most of all, though, he courted the favor of the High Kingdom. He returned several powerful fugitives to them, nobles wanted by the High King. In return, he was granted a boon that no other lord beyond those borders has ever received: the service of four mages."

Sorne let out a hiss at that very unpleasant surprise. "Their service?" The last thing the world needed was Aldana with magic at his command. Only destruction and pain could come of it. 

Katalin nodded. "I do not know how, but he has sway over them that cannot be equalled. So far as I know, they have never betrayed him and show no inkling to. They do not even quarrel with him."

"Leyan blood magic is powerful stuff," Vridash said. "We knew one of their mages during the war. Battlemage. Blew up whole formations, destroyed siege weapons. Honestly, she's half the reason any of us are still alive, if not more."

Sorne nodded her agreement. She was well aware of the dangers that enemy mages could pose after seeing one in action. "So you think your spies were found with the Sight or robbed of secrets by enchantments?"

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