A Brief Introduction

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It was a normal day, well, at least I think it was. It wasn't that long ago, but it feels like its been years since we met. Oh, where are my manners, my name is James. Well, Jamey actually, but I don't like Jamey. Too feminine for me.

But I digress, this is the story of my journey toward true love, and all the trials and tribulations to get to it.

If I remember correctly, I actually started 'talking' to her months before we had a real conversation. I met her because of a story she had wrote, I messaged her to tell her I was amazed by its plot. But I also was in hopes of making her fall for me, you see, currently, my girlfriend and I  were having slight issues. Our first few conversations basically was just a 'hello, what's up, nothing much' then we wouldn't talk for a week. And we repeated this until one day I gave up.

After I gave up, my ex and I decided to give it another shot. We had been together for about a month before I talked to her again. Indie, was her name, well that's what she had told me it was then. I had always had a pull to talk to her. Almost everyday since I had stopped. It was an urge, a craving to talk to her, if only for a moment.

And so I did, but this time, something happened. It was different. Even though I had a girlfriend that loved and cherished me deeply, I fell for her.


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