A Short Note

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Hello reader! Maddy here. Before you read the story, it would be appreciated if you quickly read over a couple rules.

1.) Please don't steal my work! I spend many hours writing stuff and it still comes out crappy, so I'm not quite sure why you would want to steal it... but it would be appreciated.

2.) Try to rerain from swearing in the comments. I know some of you get kind of excited when it comes to stories, and I have been known to swear myself, but it would be nice if we could stay away from that sort of stuff to keep from offending anyone ;)

3.) Let's not advertise on other people's stories, Okay? Okay. (We gettin' all TFIOS up in here HOLLA)

4.) If you have any suggestions, TELL ME! I am ALWAYS looking for ways to improve my writing. Also, if you have any book suggestions for me, feel free to message me.


Happy Reading :D

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