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     History always repeats itself.  Mankind's nature never changes, it will always seek to dominate and control everything that surrounds it.  Conflict is a reoccuring force in human history that always builds up a new civilization while tearing down the old outdated and unchanging societies.  In moments of conflict, men show their true nature and reveal the evil in their hearts. 

     By the year 2089, the world was in complete turmoil.  The United States had been ripped apart by civil war in 2062.  The country had divided over political and economic differences.  The Eastern U.S. had stuck to their conservative ways and had faced many hardships imposed by the liberal central government.  The West had embraced the liberal parties rise to power in the central government and received favorable treatment from the central government.  When the capital was moved to San Diego, the United States was divided.  In less than a month, full scale broke out in the center of the U.S.  The death toll rose rampantly due to new technology using lasers to replace bullets, thick suits of armor using robotics replaced tanks, and the development of new weapons of mass destruction.  After a few years of civil war, the Western United States was invaded by the new Republic of Mexico who was establishing itself as a super power in the Western Hemisphere in 2067.  That same year, the Eastern United States was annexed by Canada due to the financial burden they had received from the war and the inability to sustain itself.

     While all of this was happening, Europe was completely devastated by economic hardships.  In an attempt to fix their problems, all of the European countries formed one national identity known as the "United European Republic" in 2060.  The new national languages of this new country was English and German.  Germany was the seat of power in this new country with Berlin being made the capital.  In a show of power, the U.E.R.(United European Republic) invaded Turkey in 2074 to solidify their control over the northern Mediterranean Sea.  After this unprovoked invasion, Russia prepared their defenses and sent ambassadors in an attempt to tame the new found power of the U.E.R.  Quickly tensions rose as Russia and the U.E.R. entered a cold war.

     The United Islamic Brotherhood, a radical religious terror organization, staged a coup in every country in the Middle East and wrested control from every government in the area in 2065.  Under the Brotherhood's control, the new national identity of the Middle East was "The United Islamic Democracy."  The Islamic Brotherhood controlled as far east into Pakistan and as far west into Libya.  Once they had solidified their rule over the Middle East, the Brotherhood began guerilla warfare against the U.E.R. in Turkey.  Unfortunately for the Brotherhood, their military technology was outdated and kept them from inflicting much damage on the U.E.R. which had spent years developing the best cutting edge technology.  Another set back for the Brotherhood was the Israeli independence.  They could never overcome the small nation's elite fighting force and top of the line weapons and armor.

     In an attempt to protect themselves from the growing conflicts around them, China and Japan developed a strong relationship in 2067.  Japan produced efficient weapons and sold them to China who then offered protection to Japan.  With this beneficial alliance, both countries greatly prospered and maintained stability in their region of the world.  China still maintained one of the largest armies in the world which helped keep other countries from meddling in their affairs; however, due to the large number of soldiers in their army, China was unable to provide new weapons to their soldiers and still heavily relied on tanks and bullets in combat with a small elite force that was armed with the latest weapons.

     In the year 2089, World War III broke out among the super powers of the world.  The U.E.R. began the war by invading both the Middle East and Russia simultaneously.  Armed with a large army and new power suits with the latest weapons, they completely took the world by storm.  Russia and the Brotherhood formed an unsteady alliance and held U.E.R. forces and forced them back to Turkey.  Israel joined the fight on the side of the U.E.R. as did Mexico and Canada.  Mexican and Canadian soldier launched their attack on the Brotherhood's borders in what used to be Libya.  In a coordinated attack, Israel began bombarding the Brotherhood's forces surrounding their border.  With these distraction, the U.E.R. forces smashed through the Brotherhood's defenses.  Growing concerned over the growing developments of the war, China sent a small force of soldiers to help the Brotherhood's defend themselves.  Russia launched a unsuccessful invasion into Eastern Europe only to be met by a strong battalion of soldiers in power armor and the latest laser rifles.  Hope looked bleak for the Brotherhood and their allies; so in a desperate attempt to end the war, the Brotherhood launched all of their nuclear bombs on their enemies' countries.  Israel managed to destroy the bombs before they landed, but all the other countries were not so lucky.  In retaliation, the U.E.R., Mexico, and Canada unleashed all of their nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction on the Brotherhood, Russia, and China. 

     Once the dust settled, it was obvious that the world had been turned into a radioactive wasteland.  All of the countries in the world had been destroyed and the only people who survived were those who had prepared and managed to make it into a nuclear fallout shelter.  The world would be entirely reshaped by the decisions of the survivors and their descendants.  Humanity had a chance to start all over again.

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