Chapter #4- British Prince Charming

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Pupil Free Day. Three words that will get any kid exited.
These kids would kill to get a pupil free day. Which is lucky for me, because I am their next target.
I'm going to die. For the third time today. You could say I'm pretty popular.
Tell my mum I love her.
Tell my cat I love him.
Tell the M&M company I love them. As I'm praying to every his I know, I'm thrown back to reality as I hear a thump next to me.

"Holy mother of fuck, that hurt."
Sprawled on the floor next to me was the boy who had opened the door for me.
"Holy mother of fuck? That's a new one." I noted scanning the figure in front of me. "Also..."
"Yeah?" He asked looking up at me through his messy fringe.
" DON'T COME NEAR ME OR I WILL PAINT YOU. Don't try me." I screamed grabbing a nearby paint bucket.

He backed up putting his hands up and raising his eyebrows at me. He scanned me, and then his eyes fell on the bucket of blue paint that I was gripping fiercely. "Woah, woah calm down you crazy lady. Why would I come near you?"

Was he stupid? Maybe he didn't know who I was. Or maybe he did, and this was all a ploy. Or maybe this foolishly handsome man was a Prince Charming here to rescue me. Or maybe...

A hand was waving in front of my dazed face. A nice hand, with rings on two of the fingers. "Uh, hello? Earth to crazy lady? " The boy stared at me, his expression becoming more confused by the minute.
"Its Millie, not crazy lady. And are you not looking for me?"

"Why would I be looking for you, all I did was open the door for you? "Was this boy for real?

"Then why are you here? " I eyed him suspiciously and put the bucket of paint down, but not out of arms reach. The handsome are not to be trusted.

"I haven't done my math homework and Mr Henry is on the prowl." He shivered and looked behind him as if Mr. Henry was right behind him.

Mr Henry was an old maths teacher, the head of the maths cohort. His passion for maths was unbelievable and if you did not share that passion you were a dead man.

I chuckled at the boys situation, and slumped against the wall and he mirrored my actions. "Seems we are both stuck in a rut, young man."

"Young man? I'm probably older than you. If you want my name you just have to ask."

"Well the what's your name?" I asked politely, staring at him questioningly. Also I just wanted to stare.
"Real smooth. It's Rodrique, but you can call me Rick." he told me winking and wriggling his eyebrows. I chuckled.
"So Rod, where's your accent from?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.
"It's Rick." he muttered. "But the accent is from Britain, I was born there."
British? I wouldn't mind being stuck here with a cute British boy. "Huh, nice. What was it like? "
He sighed deeply and wistfully. "Well, I lived in Bath and next to us was this gorgeous field. The owner of the field was friends with my mum and she would let me go there whenever I wanted. I used to sit in the middle and paint for hours. " his eyes grew glassy and I knew his mind was in the field painting.
"You paint?"
"Why the tone of surprise? Yeah I paint." he looked at me smirking at my shocked face. "Here I'll show you."
"You are dumber than you look." he murmured under his breath.
"We are surrounded by paint Millie." he told me grabbing a bucket of yellow and flicking off the lid. He started to paint a woman's face with amazing detail on the plastic covered floors. The woman's hair was frizzy and wild, much like Tess's. I watched him as he painted, his dark eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and his eyes stared intensely at the painting. When he finished moved back and motioned for me to look at it.
The woman was beautiful. Even though he used only one colour and his fingers the woman seemed so real, she was almost alive. Her eyes were twinkling and the smile spread upon her cheeks was full of joy. It seemed as if Rodrique had put part of his soul into the painting.
"Well?" he asked looking at my face.
"It's gorgeous." I breathed, his words snapping out of my daze.
"I know." he said smirking, but he seemed relieved that I liked it.
"Who is she?" I asked.
"I don't know." Rod said smiling, "But she is my favourite to paint. "
"Wow." I breathed still amazed by the painting.
"Thanks. Hey, why are you in here?" he asked.
"Oh I'm avoiding getting handcuffed to Satan's spawn. " I told him, off handly.
"Wait your the girl that needs to be caught?" he asked, his eyes gleaming.
"Yeah." I said sighing.
"Millie you seem really nice but," he told me his eyes gleaming and smiling evilly, "Pupil free days are nicer."

I gulped loudly. "Oh, Crap. "
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Sayonara and stay wierd!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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