Staying Broken is not an option

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Some people just see

themselves as broken,

yet they don't try to fix

themselves or let others

because they don't see

any use in it.

The people around them

try to patch them up

but they just can't get

past the barriers. 

Three chances sometimes

does the trick,

other times you need to practice,

to try  a bit more.

It's not trying to lose again,

but trying because you can,

because you can't give up,

no matter what age,

or circumstances. 

If you give up, you lose something,

you lose will.

In the sunshine, things grow,

people do.

For some it is the shade but

to grow, you have to want to.

There is only one person who can

make you truly happy,

that person is you.

Scars will fade,

wounds will heal,

what matters now

is the present, this very minute,

this moment. 

If you don't heal yourself now,

when will you?

Chances come, make

the most of it.

Be happy, be carefree,

for once, pride is not everything.

To try is to have will. 

Every second is a time to

smile, to laugh,

to unleash that kid inside you,

to heal yourself.


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