What About The Guy Lia Was Stalking?

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"Were gonna die"

"I can't believe I'm gonna die this way"

"Couldn't I die better?"

Was the kind of things red kept saying. I was so close to getting mad at her but, how can I get mad at such a cutie?

"Come on, it's gonna be ok" Clarence kept comforting her. Btw, they're dating. They're the cutest couple ever! In the school anyways.

It was actually pretty funny how they ended up together, Clarence was dared to ask her out. Red's crush on him was completely obvious so of course she said yes.

After some time, Clarence was actually falling for her, quickly might I add.

They went on a couple more dates and he had a crazy idea to ask her to be his girlfriend. It was during the school fair, the second day to be exact.

Red and him were sitting on a bench while we were hiding behind a booth. The plan was each of us throw paper that were in puzzle pieces that says one word in the sentence " will you be my girlfriend? -Clarence".

It was really embarrassing for Clarence cause well, Red just laughed at it and said be serious. After 3 minutes of convincing her it was real, she said yes.

We were laughing so hard when red told us what happened, even if we already knew.

But back to the crisis, Jill, Marc and I went out and ask passing cars to help.

It took at least 2 hours for a car to pass AND notice us.

It stopped and open the window. "Hello sir? Can you please help us? We've been stuck here for more than 3 hours. Please" Marc said.

Me and Jill gave each other a look that said we shouldn't trust the person in the car.

The old man gave a creepy smile and said "I'll be more willing to help, please, do get it". "Uhm we'll just get our other friends" I said awkwardly.

"Are you kidding me? That person looks like a kidnapper! A rapist at that!" Jill yelled. "Seriously? Do you think that man would rape another dude!" Yelled Marc back.

Ohhhhhhhhhh was all I was thinking.

"As much as I'm enjoying all your sexual tension, we need help! I know we don't trust him but, he's all we got" I said seriously.

They both blushed when I mentioned the first part, oops.

When we got the others, we got into the car and went to this persons house.

After a while, I suddenly screamed.

"What is it?" Jill asked while panicking. "What about the car? AND your driver? I don't think your parents will be happy about this!" I said with sudden realization.

"Dude relax, I texted him" Marc said calmly. Right, he had his phone.

I did a mental face palm and relaxed too.

I don't know how long I was sleeping but Jill woke me up saying were here. The old man owned a hotel which he let us stay in for free. But he only gave us two rooms.

One room had two queen sized beds, one couch and a small table. The other room had three single beds and a couch.

So we decided that Jill and red stay in one bed, Clarence and Marc in another, which was in one room and Aaron would sleep on the couch. And all the others stayed in the other.

The rooms we were staying was just one big room with two more rooms inside. Since it was on the top floor, it had its own fire place.

While everyone else was sleeping, Lia was busy reading a book by the fire place.

"Can't sleep?" Diego asked.

Diego, he's the quiet one in the gang. He doesn't talk that much but when he does, he talks a lot. He's one of those mysterious shy types. He especially doesn't talk much to girls either.

So it was really rare for him to talk to one, and what shocks me the most is that he's talking to Lia, the NEW one.

Oh and he's my half brother.

Surprised? Don't be, we don't really tell people cause well, we're not close or anything. It's really funny how we're in the same group yet ignore each other, even at home.

Ugh God dammit, it's becoming about me now. BACK TO LIA.

" yeah haha" Lia replied awkwardly.

"I'm Diego by the way" he introduced himself. "Oh, why weren't you with the gang when I met them" Lia asked curiously. "Well, I'm the student council Treasurer, I was helping out." He explained.

"But isn't Jill pres? Why wasn't she there?" She asked again. " she works really hard for this school, we didn't want to add more stress into her life" he replied.

They kept talking more and more the whole night. It was pretty annoying how they acted all sweet.

Being the good friend I was, I barged in and said "ugh just make out already, I can hear you from the room".

They both blushed and quickly went to there beds, and slept.

I mentally laughed hard cause of what happened, hmmm, maybe I should post this. But not right now, I don't wanna blow my cover.

But all I could thinks about is the guy Lia was stalking, what's gonna happen to him?

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