Chapter 2: What a Tragedy

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It's been a week since I was given the promise ring. Today, Noah said he wanted to take me on a date, and since I don't have anything planned as usual, I agreed. "Be there at 5"

As I prepared for the date, I thought wearing a dress was reasonable. I chose out a dark burgundy dress that wasn't too short but wasn't too long either. I didn't really do much with my hair, only brushed it. Eyeliner was the only cosmetic thing I placed on my face. I wasn't a girl who was all about make up.

I jumped as my phone rang, of course the same anime song. I smiled once I knew it was from Noah. "You ready? I'm outside." I squealed, hanging up and running downstairs. I quickly placed on my flats and rushed out the door, jumping into his arms. "Finally!" I laughed as he did too.

"You look beautiful as usual."
"Oh shush. Where are we going? The movies? Food??" I said, getting into the passenger seat. He had his drivers license but couldn't drive passed 11 yet. "Oh hush. You'll see."

He turned on a song, and as it played, my heart skipped a beat. "Our song." I mumbled. I looked down, the sun reflecting on my ring, creating a rainbow.

I stared outside the entire time, observing the ways we went and when we parked, I realized it was not the movies, nor any restaurants.

"Noah??" He smiled at me without saying a work, getting out the car.

I as well got out the car, looking around. We were in downtown where there was lights on trees, music from different directions and people. He walked over, locking the car doors as I took his hand.

"I thought since it was nice out, I'd take you to downtown. I know you don't go here usually at all." I smiled and looked around, just hearing the music and seeing small concerts and places with my hobbies inside, how could I not get hyper?

"Come on!" I giggled, jumping around slightly while keeping a grip on his hands. Before we knew it, I car was driver right towards us. Noah went into panic and pushed me out the way, the car hitting him instead. He laid there on the ground as the man in the car was panicking. "Oh my god, I am so sorry!!"

"Someone call 911!" People all around stayed in distance as I began to cry, crawling over to Noah and lifting him some. I gently caressed his cheek. He breathed faintly. "Noah, it's going to be okay. People called for help..." I said crying but trying to stay calm.

It was only until 5 minutes, the ambulance came, in a rush to get Noah to the hospital. A few police cars parked around, keeping things going and another talking to the man. They said that apparently his wheel was cut open, making it flat.

I got into the one of the cop cars, an officer taking me to the hospital as well.

"Ma'am, what's your full name and date of birth?"

"Naomi rose Lawson. 12-15-99" I said with confidence. I stood there for a moment and gave me a bracelet, taking me a back room to check on vitals. They gave me a few bandages, and cleaned up the blood from my hands and knees. "Is he going to be okay?"
"We're not sure yet, honey. From what we know, he's in the emergency surgery section."

"Naomi, your mother is here." I stood up, rubbing my palms while walking over. Looking up at my room, I suddenly bursted into tears, grabbing onto my mom. My mom gave me a tight embrace while trying to comfort me.

"He's going to be okay. I'm sure of it."

With that, I was forced to go home. They said his injuries were pretty intense so the surgery will take longer than expected. Getting home, I went straight to my room with silence. My eyes were red and dark bags under my eyes. How traumatizing is it to watch your boyfriend be hit by a car.

I sat there in my bed, looking down as my eyes adjusted to the pitch black room. Soon, I was able to see some, now staring at my ring.

"Please be okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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