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(see also The Gospel of John, chapter 8)

"Everybody" is what he wrote with his weak finger in lines in dust.

Not just me, but them too, and Him too. Every person on this whole earth.

They dragged me way out here. They were just waiting for us to enter that room

So they could catch us, and I still don't know yet if the man I trusted in

Our gamble is one of those who caught me or if he slipped away unseen.

Then in shame they threw me at the feet of this crazed Nazarene rabbi man

Jeering like they knew things, as if my previous shame had not been enough.

But none of those men cared for me in any way or for the deeds they so

Accused me of. It was nothing for them but a scorching of their own souls

And a blunt accusation of the Nazarene, for what cause, I can't say.

The rabbi wrote in the sand with his finger then: "Everybody's lonely"

EverybodyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ