The Daughter of Deduction

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Chapter 1: The Child

Third Person

John’s phone started to vibrate. “Now?” he sighed. He and Sherlock  were listening to another possible case, a grief stricken woman was crying and telling the story of her lost son; whose body was found on the doorstep of Downing street. “Hello? This is John Watson speaking.”

“Yes, good afternoon Mr. Watson.” The man on the other line sounded professional, “We have something a very important matter to discuss and we would like Mr. Holmes to be there as well”

John put his hand over the microphone and yelled to the other room “Sherlock what did you do now?” Sherlock replied with a simple shrug and a sly smirk. “When and where are we supposed to meet?”

“At Mycroft Holmes office. Tonight at 8:00” the man sounded slightly annoyed at his silence.

“ Thank you, we will be there” He hung up the phone and walked back to the cluttered living room, the spray-painted smiley-face decorating the wall unnerved him a little.“Hey Sherlock”

He looked up from the floor, hands still in his curly brown hair. He dismissed the still sobbing woman with a cute half-smile and a stiff handshake, confirming taking the case

“What is it?” He paused, holding up a finger to signal John not to talk, “Ruffled hair, shocked look, concern in your eyes. I’m guessing it’s something to do with Mycroft and it’s a serious business.”

“Basically. We have to be at your brother’s office at 8.” John sighed, smoothing his green argyle sweater.

-Time Skip to 8 p.m.-

Sherlock, dawned in his usual attire, and John were impatiently waiting outside Mycroft’s office doors. When they were finally let in Mycroft said, “You both might want to sit for this” He swallowed nervously, “It’s quite shocking.” They both sat down on the leather chairs in front of the mahogany desk. “Your sister,” He said nodding to John, “Had a child, a little girl” John let out a gasp, and the shock was replaced with an uncomfortable smile. “But, since she is a…” he chuckled, “ A little too fond of the drink. We took the child away from her, seeing as it unfit to her upbringing her, being drunk.”

John looked slightly alarmed and worried. As he glanced over to Sherlock, the dark-haired man was twiddling his thumbs, looking bored. “What did you do with her?” John asked.

As if on cue, a sharply dressed man, walked through the doors, holding a bundle of white cloth. When he handed it to John, he found a little baby, with beautiful silver eyes looking up at him. “She’s beautiful.” John bounced the baby in his arms.

“Oh please, she’s just another human. It being the fact that she is your niece, does not make her more beautiful than the rest of us.”

Not wanting the child to grow up, foul mouthed. John could only stick his tongue at Sherlock’s satisfied smirk.

“What’s going to happen to her?” John asked.

“Harriet Watson’s last request concerning her daughter was that you, John take her in and care for her.”

Now John really did look shocked. Sherlock fell out of his chair. Righting himself he stood up and slammed both hands on his brother expensive desk.

“I can’t take care of a child!” He screamed at his brother, “I solve, CRIMES. Involving DANGER and MURDER.” He paused, “A child will only get in the way”

The little bundle resting in the crook of John’s elbow let out a wail.

“Sherlock, you made her cry.”

“Its true though.”

“What if we can train her so she can defend herself.” He pondered out loud.

“What about when she’s too young to even walk” Sherlock countered.

“Mycroft could watch her, its plenty safe for her here or what about Mrs. Hudson?”

“You got me.” Sherlock gave in, starting already to feel responsible for the child.

Mycroft laughed, “You out beat the ‘Great’ Sherlock Holmes” He slowly clapped.

“Sherlock, It was my sister’s last request about her daughter.”


“What’s her name?” John asked while walking out the door.

“She was never given one.”

“ We can decide that at home”

As the two men walked down the dreary streets of London, searching for a cab Sherlock looked very annoyed about losing the argument. When they finally hailed a cab, they rode in silence, all they way home to 221B Baker street.

When they were greeted by the delighted Mrs. Hudson, Sherlock took the little girl from John and met them both upstairs while they discussed the night’s events. John finally trotted up the stairs, followed by Mrs. Hudson who was holding a tray of tea and a bottle of milk for the child.

They both muttered their thanks, as she took the little girl and fed her.

“Have you decided on a name yet?” She asked while smiling at the little child.

“I think we should name her Katarina, that was always Harry’s favorite name when we were children.”

“I don’t really care as long as she behaves.” Sherlock nonchalantly stirred his tea and smiled sarcastically.

John smiled, it would take some getting used to but, Sherlock would warm up to Katarina and hopefully, come to love her. When the elderly landlady returned Katarina to him he took her in his arms and slowly rocked her to sleep with the sound of Sherlock’s violin in the background.

Soon even John started to doze off, so for the time being he put the little child in a basket, lined with pillows and blankets, bid his partner and landlady a goodnight and went to bed. Sherlock kept playing, the sweet sound of the instrument humming through the apartment. When Mrs. Hudson finally took her tea-set and when to her own apartment, humming the tune, he set down the violin and tucked it away.

Glancing down at the tiny child, sleeping in her makeshift crib, he felt a warmth in his chest, one that he only felt around John. Slowly taking the infant in his arms, he rocked and sang to her telling her little facts and secretly hoping that she would turn out as brilliant as him. A true Holmes.

He hadn’t realized that he had wandered into John’s room, still smiling he placed a small peck on Katarina’s forehead and did the same to John. He stirred,but did not wake. He than crept out of the bedroom, placed little Katarina back into her “crib” and said, “Goodnight Kat” Still smiling slightly, he hurried off to bed.

A/N:  Enjoy this it kept me up all night thinking about it. I really hope you like it!



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