·30 Awaited Chapter

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I know what some of you are thinking. "Why is Liam so mean? I thought him and Malia's relationship was tight as Peanut butter and pretzel sticks."
Well I wanted him to be unsure with his feelings and deny the thought of him liking her. He apologized for being rude to her at the beginning and is willing to become friends with her but,all the desired thoughts of being more is what he doesn't want. So, what does he do? Deny. Harshly...very harshly.
Hey it's Liam we're talking about.
You understand?

What do you mean, we're going dress shopping'? I ask. (Malia.)

She turns to me and, smiles. (Jaimee)
"Every year we travel to L.A and, go to a charity ball. It's called Lacomè Ballroom and, it's hosted twice every year. One is in the Summer which, is in a few days and, one around the Christmas season." she says cheerfully.

"How did you get invited?" I ask curious and, excited that I could be able to go to California in just a few days. It's one of the places I want to visit one day.

"Well, my husband Anthony is a lawyer and, just happens to be the lawyer for the owner of the Ballroom. A few years ago the owner was accused of something he didn't do and was about to be sentence to life in prison but, my husband found evidence and clues to prove he wasn't guilty. Since, he helped prove him innocent, he wanted to thank him by allowing him and his family/ close friends to be invited every year."

Malia's POV:

I walked amazed by the scenery of the ball. The lights slowly transition new colors of the rainbow. People's body slowly danced to the rhythm of the music. Many of the invited guests wore masks making it impossible to identify whether they're ordinary as me or if they're well know being such as Beyoncé.

As soon as the Foxtrot music came on everyone screamed excitedly and jostled to find their mate. When they finally found them them they positioned their body.

When they began dancing it was elegant. Then danced swiftly & glided smoothly across the floor. Ladies' skirts and dresses danced like the flower on a windy day.

I just sat awkwardly on the maroon chair in the back watching everyone dance. James, Claudia, Jameee, Asshole and the other gang are somewhere in the room.

I sighed depressed wishing that someone else will ask me to to go dance with them. Everywhere,I see woman blushing and chatting with their mate enjoying the time of their life while i'm awkwardly sitting in the back by myself.

"I wish this will be the night I will never forget."I whisper but,wasn't able to hear because of the power of the music playing.

When they music ended I clapped my hands applauding the wonderful dancers.

"Why don't you guys give a final round of applause for the wonderful dancing the guests did?" a man who looked like he's in his early fiftys said holding a microphone.

Screams,whistles and loud claps filled the whole room.

"Ok.ok. Hello,guests. My name is Andrie Albert Tipton." his voice was thick. It sounded Russian. "And i'm the owner of this ballroom you are all standing on right now. I've been a proud owner of this ballroom since twenty five years ago."

Cheers were sended everywhere.

"I hope you all enjoy this evening tonight, enjoy the delicious food and tremendous drinks this hotel has to offer and especially the dances. Tonight, this party will be different. Tonight a few people really close to me will be singing one of their many songs."

Cheers filled the party again.

"Give a round of applause for Robyn Fenty who you may know as Rihanna!"

Living with the Badboy🌹 l (BWWM) ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin