Don't take all night ;)

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Ten minutes pass but it feels like hours, he keeps asking me questions over and over again, each time getting angrier and angrier, I try to tell him the truth, that it was all some stupid dare but he doesn't believe it. The front of my dress is soaked, I was pretty sure I have ran out of tears and my voice is almost gone.

Suddenly the door opens, Tommy stops immediately and looks up. A man stood in the doorway; it was the older black man that I had seen earlier sitting next to Tommy in the booth. 'Can we talk for a moment' he says calmly, Tommy nods and leaves. Leaving the younger boy watching over me.

Tommy's POV 

Harkin was waiting for me outside, he did not look happy. 'What the hell you think you doin?' he exclaims 'you've been shoutin at that girl nonstop for ten minutes!'

I shrug 'yea well she still ain't talkin'

'Really?' he says doubtfully 'what she sayin?'

'She's sayin it was all some stupid dare between her and her friends. That she has no idea who we are or what we do'

'Do you believe her?'

I consider this for a moment, running my fingers through my hair in frustration. It was true that she didn't seem to know anything or to be working for anyone. She cried too much, but then again that could be acting. 'I don't know' I admit.

'I say we let her go' suggests Harris, 'get one of the men to follow her for a few days, see who she meets with. And if she's lying we kill her.'

I shake my head; this man really could be a psycho sometimes. 'We can't go around killing little girls!'

Harris shrugs  'Well I suppose we could give her a job. Get her to prove her loyalty to us'

'Yea' I agree 'that way she's tied to us. She's involved. So she can't go to anyone especially the cops'. I'm surprised that Harris has actually come up with this by himself. I mean don't get me wrong this guy taught Jameill and I everything we know. But lately I feel he's been losing his touch. His violence (though it is necessary in this game) is getting... out of hand to say the least.

'Great. You bring her out the back and I'll go get one of the lads to drive her home' instructs Harris as he turns down the hall.

'No wait' I call after him 'I need to handle this. I'll get Cole to bring her out the back and I'll drive her'

Harris smirks 'Ok but don't take all night'

'what you on about'

'I know you Tommy' he laughs 'you just wanna finish whatever it was you a that pretty little thing were doing in the bedroom earlier'

'You got me Harris' I laugh putting my hands up.

Of course he hasn't fucking got me. The dozy fucker doesn't know me at all, despite what he thinks.

sorry this one is pretty short. Next chapter is longer I promise.

please vote and comment. xxxx

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