Once upon a dark day Halloween

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It  was Halloween in a small town, a group of fifteen year old teenagers was getting ready for a very important  Halloween party that was happening In their school, in order to get money for better toilet paper. John was a member of that group and he was ready to leave his home with his brilliant costume. He was reverse man! He had his shirt, his jeans and his 4 year old anonymous mask on the  opposite side, this way he saved his money for more important things...
John took his phone and started moving towards the square in the middle of his town. Everything was decorated appropriately for this holiday. Jack-o-Laterns were everywhere witches in their brooms hanging from the doors of the houses and  orange bright lights were tied across the streets making it difficult for the drivers to see the red and the green lights in order to pass the street.
In the square he met the rest of the "crew". Indian, his creatively named native american friend dressed as a cowboy with the hat and the gun for amusement reasons, Plato, the smart of the group that was from Greece that was dressed as Neo from Matrix (he loved that stupid movie), Asshole, the one that picked all these names and was dressed as Scream from you know... "Scream" and last but not least Putin, John's best friend and of course according to his name the cool man of the group that wasn't dressed because he was too cool for this shit.

"Scrounge where have you been. We been waiting for ten minutes don't you now that time is money"

"Ha, ha" (John said feeling bad about the joke of his name that was given to him because he was Scottish and because he never paid for anything he took when they would go out for a drink or to eat) " I was busy trying to figure out what to get dressed"

"And that's what you came up with?" asked Plato

"We aren't all geniuses like you"

" Yes, but you are a retard"

"Real funny Asshole"both Plato and John sarcastically said

"It doesn't matter" said Putin "You are here so now we can go to the party"

"Yeah, let's go and get laid" desperately said Asshole trying to get a laugh

"I will get us there"

"You should Indian or I will manifest your destiny. Am I right?"

Nobody laughed and instead Plato hit Asshole telling him it would be better if he moved and didn't tell​ much. When they reached the party they could see that it had MANY people. All of them dancing and having fun the celebration was going really really well. They quickly started to dance too but that caused them to split a little. Indian was with his girlfriend Maria, a tall African-American girl , and he was having a blast. Plato along with Asshole were with the less popular students also dancing and having an amazing time. The problem was John, he was lost and didn't know where to go. Go with Plato and Asshole or to go hung with Putin and the "cool kids". He was looking at the lights outside the window indecisive and then he heard

"Scrounge, come a little your friend wants you" It was Nicolas a less popular kid that had found a place at the  "cool kids" thanks to his brother that was leader of the group. He ran across the dance floor all the way outside the party room where the cool kids where hanging out.

"Putin what is it?"

"I want you to assist me on a thing"


"Rob, or I should say the leader with the car, along with his royal friend Lisa challenged as to a drinking game and you are the only one that I can trust because you are my best friend"

"Drink? Me? I... I cannot it is forbidden to people under 21"

"See I told you this guy was a chicken, pick someone else" said Rob

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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