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The screams filled the cellar as Caitlyn felt her baby coming "Just a little bit longer now" Grace wiped her head with a wet wash cloth. Caitlyn let out a cry as she pushed down as hard as her body would allow "That's it, that's it he's here" Grace elated as she lifted the baby up and held him close to his mother "Its a boy, you have a son"

Caitlyn held the baby in her arms and kissed his head gently in between sobs. As Grace looked the colour of the baby's skin became apparent to her. Was this the child of a Lake Walker?


"She delivered a boy sir" a soldier said cheerfully as he approached Captain Chesterfield "The woman you saved from the Lake Walkers"

"That's good" Captain Chesterfield smiled and then stood "I will head over there and wish them both well"


"She's in Fort James, a soldier found her in the woods and took her there" Kitchi told his Grandmother what had happened to Caitlyn "Will she be safe?"

"Caitlyn's sensible, she'll know what to do to stay alive" Kamenna sighed.

"What about Harp? He is due back this afternoon" Kitchi reminded Kamenna.

"Leave Harp to me"


Grace watched curiously as Chesterfield spoke with Caitlyn, he had been hanging off her every word since she arrived in Fort James.

"I appreciate everything you've done for me Captain Chesterfield. But I do have to go back home, people will be expecting me" Caitlyn frowned hoping Chesterfield wouldn't ask too many questions. She had already lied
about her name and how she came to be in the Lake Walkers territory.

"Of course, perhaps I should escort you?" He smiled and Caitlyn hesitated.

"Very well" Caitlyn was confident she could lose Chesterfield somewhere along the way "I'd better leave this afternoon"

"Alright I'll make some arrangements with Lord Benton" Chesterfield stood up and walked towards Grace who rolled her eyes at him.

"She's going back Then? To wherever it is she came from?" Grace's tone was a little harsh.

"Well she isn't exactly a prisoner is she?" Chesterfield snapped in Caitlyn's defence.

"You found her in the wilderness, competely alone, doesn't that strike you as odd?" Grace questioned and Chesterfield thought for a moment "Where is she from if not here?"

"She was captured by the Lake Walkers" Chesterfield argued.

"Captured?" suddenly it all made sense "The child has darker skin, you don't think that maybe...?"

"What?" Chestfield hoped he hasn't guessed correctly.

"One of them forced himself on her?" Grace inhaled deeply "Oh Christ I feel terrible judging her to be a threat she all along she is a victim. No wonder she didn't want to talk about the father"

"So I have your permission to release her then" Chesterfield didn't seem amused.

"Don't be sarcastic, I was just concerned that's all" Grace explained and Chesterfield nodded in approval. Grace had every reason to be concerned about this woman's identity.


"What do you mean gone?" Declan was furious as he stood in front of the senior members of the Lake Walker tribe "Gone where?"

"The whites...with red coats" Kamenna watched cautiously as Declan grew more and more angry.

with red coats" Kamenna watched cautiously as Declan grew more and more angry

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Declan's heart raced at the thought of Caitlyn being revealed to his enemies.

"She's not stupid" Kamenna touched his arm as she spoke "She knows what to do to stay alive"

"I don't doubt her abilities, but my concern is for her vunerabilty" Declan spoke almost in a whisper "Our son is due Any day now...how long has she been gone for?"

"Three days..." Declan was even more concerned now.


"You know your way around here very well for a stranger?" Chesterfield smiled as they walked deeper into the wilderness. Caitlyn held her son close to her chest, she had a plan to lose Chesterfield in the trees.

"I was raised the other side of these trees, My parents were hunters" Caitlyn lied so convincingly "He's getting hungry, do you mind just turning around while I feed him?"

"No, of course not" Chesterfield turned round immediately allowing Caitlyn the few seconds she needed to escape him "Everything alright" Chesterfield wondered but there was no reply. As he turned he realaiwd Caitlyn had gone.

"Katheryn" he called out as he searcjed for her "Katheryn"


"I don't care how many it takes we will find her and bring her back, she's my wife" Declan yelled as he paced between his army and the Lake Walkers.

"Declan" A familiar voice caused him to look up "You don't need an army to bring me home, you should know that by now my love" Caitlyn walked slowly towards him with a small baby swaddled in a shawl and some fur.

"Declan" A familiar voice caused him to look up "You don't need an army to bring me home, you should know that by now my love" Caitlyn walked slowly towards him with a small baby swaddled in a shawl and some fur

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"Caitlyn" Declan whispered as he rushed to his wife's side.

"Say hello to your son" Caitlyn smiled as she handed the small baby to Declan. His eyes welled up with tears as soon as he laid eyes on the beautiful baby before him.

"He has your eyes" Declan used one arm to hold the tiny baby and placed the other hand on his wife's face, dragging her towards him roughly and pressing his forehead against hers.

"And your wild spirit" Caitlyn replied.

"My wild spirit?" Declan smirked "Are you sure he doesn't take that form you also?"

"Okay our wild sprirt" Caitlyn smiled.

"Come Kaho, you have just bore a child. You need to rest" Kamenna interrupted putting her hand on Caitlyn's back. Kaho was the name Kamenna had called Caitlyn since she was small. She called it her true name.

"No I've all I need right here" Caitlyn said gently as she reached up and touched Declan s face, before placing her hand gentle on her son "We have all we need"


"So you think she was taken again?" Grace frowned as she put a bottle of brandy on front of Chesterfield.

"No, not taken" Chesterfield drank Some "I think she wanted to lose me, she must have planned it all along"

"But why?" Grace wondered.

"Maybe she was scared to trust us? Being captured by the Lake Walkers, only to be taken by soldiers" Chesterfield looked up at Grace.

"My god you fell for her didn't you? You had a fondness for her" Grace teased a little.

"It doesn't really matter now does it?" Chesterfield snapped back...

Grace didn't speak again, She was more intrigued by this woman. This beautiful woman who came and went so quickly...

Who was She?

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