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  The man's dark hair fell messily around his thin face as he stared at the blinding computer screen. His eyes were weighed down with bags and rimmed with dark circles. He hadn't eaten or slept in weeks. He knew it was unhealthy, that he should go outside and enjoy the world, or at the very least, get some sleep. He just couldn't bring himself to do anything but search. He was so close to answers, so close to finding out what had happened all those years ago. The answer was right under his nose, he could feel it. So the man sat and continued to research. He'd figure it out soon, he assured himself. He'd figure it out, then he'd get some sleep. Maybe meet up with his friend. What was his name? Keith. After he figured this out, he'd call Keith. The man shook his head and turned his attention back to the screen. He couldn't afford to get distracted. He had to find what had happened. If he didn't there was no point to anything he had been doing. This was the most important thing that he had ever done. He clicked on another link and blearily blinked at the screen. He was so absorbed in the new wave of information that he didn't hear the door click or the soft footsteps coming towards him. He never saw it coming. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: So I found a prompt that challenged me to write a story that was 250 words or less with the prompt "Never saw it coming." So this is that story. 

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