Chapter 3

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Sunday Night

It was 8:00pm and I was getting ready for my date with Brandon.

I got out the shower, rubbed lotion all over my body then sprayed on my perfume.

Then I went into my closet and tried to pick out an outfit. I didn't know where he was taking me so I pulled out a creme color high waisted skirt with a dirty colored maroon shirt that was tucked in. I also pulled out my creme colored hills and slipped them on right after putting my clothes on.

I went into my bathroom and began putting on makeup on. After that, I did my hair, putting half up and let the rest hang down.

I looked at my phone and seen that it was literally 8:58pm. I was searching for a purse to wear when I suddenly heard a knock on my door.

I knew it was Brandon so I quickly pick out my maroon purse then quickly heard downstairs to answer the door.

I opened it up to be stunned. Brandon stood there looking like a whole meal and I couldn't help but to just look him up and down.

"Drea?" Brandon said snapping me out of my nasty thoughts.

"I'm sorry Brandon" I said.

"Andrea, you look beautiful" he said biting his lip.

"Thank you and I must say, you look really good too." I said while smiling.

"Thank you. So are you ready?"

"I sure am." I said.

"Alright then, let's go."

I followed him out the door and we got into his really really nice car.

This man looked like he had it all.

He opened the door for me and I got in. After he got into the vehicle and we drove off.

Later That Night

"So tell me about yourself" I asked Brandon.

"What do you want to know?" he asked.

"Well tell me why such a handsome man like you is single" I said.

"Well I'm divorced. Cameron was born when I was 22 and her mother was 23. We got married 2years after she was born but got divorced when she was five."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well apparently she still had feelings for her high school lover. That's why she's been with him the four years we were together. After that, I never looked at her the same anymore."

"Wow, I'm so sorry."

"Its ok. I regret everything we had and did together except Cameron."

"Well I can tell you're a good man. You take care of your daughter. As long as you work hard, and keep God with you at all times, things will get better."

"So tell me about you." he said trying to forget the bad memory of his past.

"Well what do you wanna know about me?" I asked joking.

"Why is such a beautiful woman like you single?"

"Well I could write a whole book about why I'm single. I had this guy that I was madly in love with. We fell for each other back in college. He had everything going for himself. Good grades, job and a lot else til he fell in with the wrong crowd and everything just changed. So I had to let him go." I said reminiscing about Shaun.

I wasn't gonna lie. I didn't miss Shaun at all. I only missed the good times we had shared. All the years we had and now I had to let him go.

"Sorry to hear that" he told me.

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