Chapter 17: Butterscotch, Skittles, and Butterfinger, Oh My!

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Butterscotch, Skittles, and Butterfinger, Oh My!


"A date?" We're sitting at the dining room table a few hours later when my mates ask me on a date. I glance from one to the other and realize how dressed up they are as Dallas speaks. 

"Yes, Aila we want to take you on a date before we leave to go home." I eye them suspiciously as all three of them hold out a hand and open them to reveal candy. Mace has a bag of skittles. Pan has a handful of butterscotch and Dallas had a Butterfinger. I giggle as take their candies. 

"Deal but can we watch a movie and have popcorn? Oh and I want to know more stuff about you three." Dallas smirks at me while pop a butterscotch in my mouth and place the rest in my jacket pockets. Jeez I was easy.

It isn't until I'm at my door that I start to panic. I've never been on a date before. What if I screwed it up. I whimper softly as I lean again the door to my room and slide down to the floor covering my face with my hands. How could I possibly keep the interest of three mates when I haven't been human that long. 

"Aila?" I look up to see Romeo and Juliet standing in front of me holding hands. I sniffle and wipe the tears from my face. As I look up at them Romeo speaks. 

"Aila, are you okay?" I open my mouth to say I'm fine but find myself telling them everything from my family's death to being a wolf to my fears and anxieties. It isn't until I'm done that I realize that other than Pack I've never had friends before. Abruptly I stand up and open my door. 

"Do you think you could help me find something to where for my date?" Juliet tilts her head and looks at her brother a look passes between them before he nods at her. She looks back to me. 

"We would like that Aila."


"Explain to me how you know so much about makeup Romeo?" Romeo blushes as he continues to paint my face as Juliet giggles from behind me. 

"Well.....are we friends Aila?" I smile at her words as I speak. 

"I hope so. I like you two." Romeo pauses to look over my shoulder at Juliet I presume. Then he nods. 

"Well, Romeo likes to wear makeup. That's why he knows how to put it on." I eye Romeo confused.  

"I don't understand." Romeo sighs, his eyes downcast, as he speaks. 

"I'm gay Aila and I like to dress as a girl." My eyebrows raise as I take in his posture. He thinks I'm going to be upset but why? 

"Is that supposed to be a big deal?" He raises his eyes to meet mine and the smile on his face is huge. 


"Really what? You like to dress as a girl and you like boys. Is that a big deal?" His shoulders slump and tears fill his eyes. 

"It is to some people." 

"It is to our old pack. We haven't told anyone here not even Mama." I laugh at that. 

"You should tell your Momma and you should never be ashamed of who you are as long as you're happy." Romeo grasps my hand. 

"You really think Mama would..." I grin and glance back at Juliet. 

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