Chapter 5

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Masumi groaned as she felt the hard ground underneath her.

Sitting up she looked around as her eyes adjusted to the surroundings. She remembered the fight in that strange place. Sesshomaru after a sword that had belonged to his father. The very sword that cut off his left arm.

At the memory, Masumi’s eyes quickly looked around for the demon lord she followed so willingly.

There, leaning against a tree with his eyes closed, left sleeve to his white kimono turning red with his blood, was Sesshomaru. Masumi stared at him, worried that he was no longer of that world. But as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she shook it away. She knew he was stronger than that. Much stronger.

Standing to her feet, Masumi moved cautiously over towards where Sesshomaru lay.

Her foot made contact with a branch, the sound of it snapping causing Sesshomaru to jerk upright slightly. A snarl and a glare sent in her direction. The whites of his eyes were now red, and the beautiful golden color of his irises gone; replaced by blue.

Masumi’s step faltered as she stared at the demon in front of her. She’d never been scared of him, even when watching him transform into his true form and fighting his brother. But something about the way he glared at her, she couldn’t move.

She watched as slowly his eyes returned to normal, the snarl quieting down and the glare disappearing. “What do you want,” he asked, voice rough and neutral.

“You’re hurt,” she said in a whisper as she moved closer to him, “please, allow me to help you.”

“I don’t need your help,” he said as he turned his head away from her, effectively ending the conversation.

“Please, Lord Sesshomaru,” she begged, finally finding her legs and moving a step forwards again only to stop when he sent her a glare once more.

“I don’t need help from a weakling human,” he snarled.

Not only did Sesshomaru not want her help, he didn’t need it. This wound would heal soon enough, then he’d get back out there and teach that Inuyasha a lesson in messing with him. He watched the human girl as she stared at him. The words he’d said hitting the girl hard, he could see it in her eyes as she stared at him. But it was like she was refusing to let him see just how much what he’d said hurt.

He watched as her eyes landed on him once more before she bowed and backed away.

She went and sat a few feet away, sitting against her own tree. She didn’t make a move to look over at him, just played with some of the grass next to where she sat.

Hours passed as Sesshomaru laid against the tree. This wouldn’t stop him from getting his hands, hand, on the Tetsusaiga. But he needed to plan out his next move. Inuyasha took him by surprise last time. He wouldn’t underestimate him next time.

Sesshomaru looked over towards Masumi when he heard movement, but the human girl was sitting back in the same spot she sat in earlier, after returning from finding her something to eat. When he saw she wasn’t moving, or hadn’t moved since she sat down. But he could still hear movement. And the more he kept his attention on the human, the more he noticed that her body language changed to show she now heard it too.

Masumi sat up straight, looking around as she peered through the trees that surrounded her, Sesshomaru, and Jaken. The sounded of the hoof-beats grew closer the longer she looked for the source, before finally, they were surrounded by all kinds of soldiers.

She stood to her feet, moving to stand nearer to Sesshomaru as Jaken looked around at all the men. Some were standing on their own, others were on horseback. She knew this wasn’t looking good, especially since the one who seemed to be in charge was saying all kinds of stuff about Sesshomaru.

“You’re going to die demon,” the man shouted, causing Masumi to move even closer to Sesshomaru as Jaken rushed forwards.

“How dare you threaten my lord,” Jaken shouted out.

“Jaken,” Sesshomaru said, causing the smaller demon to look back at him, “get out of the way.”

“Yes, my lord,” the imp said before moving quickly.

Sesshomaru stood to his feet and stepped forwards. Masumi moved to stand behind Sesshomaru, figuring this was a better place for her than where she’d been standing originally.

“Fire,” the man shouted before the riflemen began firing their guns in the direction of the demon.

Masumi ducked down behind Sesshomaru, her hands over her head and her eyes shut. She bit her lip to keep from screaming out.

The sound of men screaming out caused Masumi to look up in time to see that Sesshomaru had deflected the bullets and sent them flying back towards the men. She stood to her feet, stepping out from behind Sesshomaru so she could watch was to happen next.

The leader of the warriors who attacked them looked panicked as his men stumbled away from around the demon and his human traveling companion.

Sesshomaru held his claws up, glowing green, as he waited for their next move.

“Retreat! Retreat,” the man shouted as he turned his horse around and ran. His men following behind as they tried to keep up.

“My lord,” Jaken said as he turned to look at Sesshomaru, “allow me to take care of these pesky humans.” He turned to make his way after them but stopped upon hearing Sesshomaru’s stiff tone.
“Let them go,” he said as he stared down at the imp. Jaken turned back to look at Sesshomaru, stunned by what his master had said. But Sesshomaru was no longer looking towards the imp. His attention had turned to the human girl that was with him. Her attention was focused on the retreating forms of the men who’d attacked Sesshomaru for no apparent reason. At least, no reason that the three of them knew of anyway.

Masumi looked up at Sesshomaru as he crossed her field of vision. He didn’t say a word, just walk on in a different direction from which the strange man and his warriors went. Jaken followed wordlessly behind, Masumi following behind as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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